This is Day Six of My 7 Day Gratefulness Challenge. Passed to me - TopicsExpress


This is Day Six of My 7 Day Gratefulness Challenge. Passed to me By Michael DiSilvio. I in return passed it to Patricia Concessi. Day Two it was passed on to Andrea Parker DeLaney. Now Day Three I would like to Nominate my childhood friend Joe DiGiovanni. Day Four is a special Day because i will have made it half way through the challenge, so I am picking my Second Cousin Christine Egan, who whenever I see her brings a Smile to my face. My next nominee for the 7 Day Gratefulness Challenge is Lorraine Varone whose gratitude knows no bound. My pick for Day Six of the 7 Day Gratefulness Challenge is Mr. Joey Carroll because I value what he thinks and believe him to be a thoughtful observer of Life 1. The First Most Grateful thing for me on Day Six is that I had one of the best Mothers ever. She left us far too early. She in-turn was Lucky to has such wonderful Women in her Life, These women were there in my life from the beginning. First is My Aunt Elaine Dacey. She made Thanksgiving’s and Christmas’s very special. She never missed a Birthday with a Card and always made me feel Loved. Next is My Aunt Margie. She was the Family Historian. On visits to her house we would sit in the living room and have great chats. She always remembered Birthdays and she always made me feel special. My Aunt Sheila, my Dads Twin, was truly a second Mother to us. She enriched our lives through Education, Travel and People. All of my Aunts were Love, Joy, Thoughtfulness and Peace Personified on Earth. Some people don’t even get one and I got three. 2. The Second Most Grateful thing on Day Six is that we have here, in America the Bravest Women and Men on Earth. All that wear the Uniform Past and Present are my Heroes. Their true sacrifices will never be known. Memories sealed up to keep some sanity. Those that have been maimed and are remind daily of the cost of Freedom. More importantly the Families and Loved ones for their sacrifices. If you have a chance to go on YOUTUBE and search Troop Re-unions with Children and Pets, you can’t make it through with a dry eye. SALUTE TO THE UNIFORM and THOSE WHO HAVE WORN AND ARE WEARING IT. 3. The Third Most Grateful thing on Day Six is that there is a place down on the Beach dubbed the “Fire Pit.” My good friend John Merlino is the Pit Master. He built it and Re- Built it over the last six to seven year. ( MOTHER NATURE you know ) We have fires on most nights the weather permits. We share stories and catch up with each other and have some laughs and sometimes Music. I am made sport of because I am always on the lookout for Satellites, Shooting Stars and the fighter Jets that fly up and Down the Coast every night. We have our Annual January 1st Plunge @ 12 Noon every year going seventh year from this spot. It is just a very special place and I am happy it’s in my back yard.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:24:21 +0000

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