This is a Shamanic Journey led by Glenn Sullivan explaining the - TopicsExpress


This is a Shamanic Journey led by Glenn Sullivan explaining the shamanic landscapes and calling in the directions, with a sixteen minute drumming journey. Best listened to with headphones. Natural Wisdom explores the empowering & healing path of Shamanism, through Shamanic Journeys, myth & ritual. Coming together in sacred circle to learn how to journey into non -- ordinary states of consciousness to meet with your power animals & spirit guides, helping us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and problem solving for our everyday life and spiritual path. Glenn Sullivan is Spiritual Guide & Gifted Healer; He has trained & lived with many spiritual mentors over the last 20 years which have enriched his path immeasurably, although he attributes ones greatest teachings are channelled directly from Spirit, which has helped him to develop a strong authenticity and intuition to his work. One of the main ways he brings balance is working with the masculine & feminine energies within the individual , also creating a supportive environment to look at ones shadow aspects and bring them into consciousness for integration . His workshops and one to one sessions, bring profound healing and transformative experiences, helping people to find their own inner creative resources, enabling them to live more fulfilling and empowered lives.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:11:46 +0000

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