Thousands of Iranians seeking to leave their home country wait in - TopicsExpress


Thousands of Iranians seeking to leave their home country wait in Asian countries with friendly visa regulations to make the second part of their migration to the West or Australia. Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are popular jumping-off points for middle-class Iranians who arrive on tourist visas and are then helped by local travel agents. The police in the Thai resort town of Pattaya said that they had questioned an Iranian man who paid cash for the tickets of the two passengers who traveled on stolen passports. ---- Paspor abal-abal jadi salah satu perhatian dan pelajaran dalam misteri raibnya pesawat Malaysia Airlines. Thailand, Malaysia, dan Indonesia disebut sebagai batu lompatan populer para migran ilegal dari Iran. Sumber: nytimes/2014/03/12/world/asia/malaysia-flight.html
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:42:32 +0000

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