Time is marching on and milestones popping everwhere. Last night, - TopicsExpress


Time is marching on and milestones popping everwhere. Last night, we celebrated the 21st birthday of my oldest grandchild , Taylor. It seems only yesterday when Eddie and I were pacing the floor at Mission Hospital along with her uncle, Mitchell and his fiancee then, Anna. My wonderful husband of 44 years passed way in 2008. Now, I am purging and downsizing my home of 50 years which is no easy task. We have lived in this house since 1978. The house a 5- bedroom 1.5 storey bungalow built in 1926. True to old houses, it has SMALL/TINY closets. However the attic, basement and garage have provided enormous storage room for us and extended family. Hoping to sell quickly and move to a rented 2 bedroom/2 bath in one of the nice apt complexes in the county. The really nice ones rent for as much or more as the mortgage on my house! I just no longer want to be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of this big place. Hopefully I will find one thats great and reasonably priced. Please let me know if you know a good place. Have wonderful day, all. I hope the weather stays nice and warm like yesterday.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:55:29 +0000

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