Tiramisu to Tweenhood My daughter turned 10 the other day and - TopicsExpress


Tiramisu to Tweenhood My daughter turned 10 the other day and specifically requested for a grown-up cake,Tiramisu. I was more than happy to oblige her in this symbolic rite of passage to tweenhood because eggless Tiramisu is simply one of the most hassle-free cakes to make: no need for baking and prep work can be completed in 15 minutes pat (30 minutes max if you relax, hum a tune, do some twirls and take your time :)). Dump in ingredients, mix, soak sponge fingers and layer. This time however, I took the liberty to experiment with more than just the traditional marscapone cheese, and added milky ricotta for a firmer texture and abit more cheesiness. The 50-50 ratio of cheeses worked well but tiramisu is a forgiving cake. You can hardly go wrong with cheese, cream and wine! The occasion called for some prettiness so I thought of lining the rim of the cake with the lovely spongefingers I had in excess. They stuck pretty well, leaving my initial fears unfounded. The kids took heaping portions of the forbidden cake with its hidden treasures despite our cautionary breathing-down-their necks (which backfired against us, really, and only served to enhance the cakes aura). I guess they must have seen through our rather lame attempts to keep a larger share for ourselves. Of course, as tired, hungry and sometimes grumpy middle-aged parents, were more than entitled to this wonderful pick me up which will keep us feeling sane and drunkenly happy all at the same time! Recipe: makes one 9 round cake tin 1 packet of Italian ladyfinger biscuits 2 tbsp cocoa powder 100g dark chocolate (A) Cream mixture 250 g mascarpone cheese 250g ricotta cheese 2 tbsp vanilla bean paste 4 tbsp caster sugar 6 tbsp Marsala (Sicilian sweet wine), if not kahlau, Baileys or Rum essence can be substitutes as well. I usually add more :) 4-5 tbsp thickened cream (use those with about 50% fat content as opposed to about 30%) (B) Coffee solution for dipping ladyfingers biscuits 6 tbsp ground coffee in 150ml hot water 6 tbsp of marsala 2 tbsp of milo/hot choc (optional) 1. In a shallow bowl, prepare the ground coffee granules. Mix in the water and marsala and mix well.Set aside to cool. 2. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients in A and mix well with a whisk. 3. Dip the ladies finger in the coffee solution, count 1-2 and flip 1-2 and remove immediately to prevent the sponge from falling apart because of absorbing too much. 4. Line the cake tin with the ladies finger and then layer with half the mixture of cream. Dust a layer of cocao powder. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. 6. On final layer, grate some dark chocolate. Refrigerate over night. 7. Half hour before serving, be very careful to slowly release the cake tin, the cake should not lose its shape. Cut ladies finger in half and line the circumference of the cake, decorate with strawberries and return to fridge till ready to serve.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:31:46 +0000

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