To all my FB friends and family, I know its been a few days since - TopicsExpress


To all my FB friends and family, I know its been a few days since my last post. Been busy trying to get basement fixed up for my grandson. Plus trying to go to doctors app. Them finally getting to spend time with my oldest daughter. I love spending time with my kids. Church last night was wonderful. We were few in number but great in the spirit of the LORD. The LORD poured out his SPIRIT upon us in such a wonderful way. It felt so good just being in the house of the LORD. I praise GOD for allowing me another time to be in his house of worship. We never know when it might be our last time to gather together and get to sing and testify to the LORD. So I want to be there as much as I can. When I worked at the nursing home it would break my heart to hear so many just want to be in church just one more time. I thank the good LORD for allowing me to work with a wonderful Christian woman like Norma Boggs. We used to walk down the halls and sing some old gospel hymn for our patients. I sat one night by a little old womans bedside as she was about to leave this old world of pain she was in. All she ask me to do was hold her hand and sing ILL HAVE A NEW BODY till she crossed and to hold her hand. To me this was such a great service for me because she would always talk about the LORD and all the many blessings she had in her life. I enjoyed talking with so many elder Christians while I worked there. So if you ever get a chance to visit a nursing home, hospital, or a home and get to pray or sing with one of these blessed people just remember its you who gets the real blessing. Well I pray that each of my FB friends and family are doing well and that GOD has poured out his spirit and blessed each and everyone of you. I pray that all your prayers have been answered no matter the need. May you and yours have a peaceful night and a blessed morning. I ask all these things in the name of JESUS our LORD from whom all blessings come. Love to all and good night.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 05:41:02 +0000

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