To everyone who has something bad to say about the ALS Ice Bucket - TopicsExpress


To everyone who has something bad to say about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, what follows is a short message, (Warning: This message contains Sarcasm, if you are unfamiliar with the concept, please stop reading, as I do not what to offend you now.) Please stop being “that person [person is the gender inclusive version, and this message is for men and women]”. You know what I mean, the person who has some criticism or complaint. Well if you are that person, and you lack a sense of humor, hang on this is going to sting. I am sure by now we have all heard the arguments, but for fun let’s go through them again. It is a waste of water: Holy crap really! Thank you for telling me that there are people in Africa who do not have fresh water, I never would have know. I mean with all the video’s by Matt Damon and the others, and the feed the children, and the UNICEF, and the save our children fund. I never could have suspected there may be issues in Africa, thank you for informing me, I will get to fixing the issue right away. Newsflash, this is not about water in Africa, this is about raising money and AWARENESS about ALS. It is a fundraiser, it happens to use water, which we have in this country. If you are concerned about water conservation, here is some tips : , no one is saying don’t be concerned. No one is saying that we shouldn’t care about the water problems in the world, it is terrible. However again this is an ALS fundraiser, and AWARENESS campaign. One bucket of ice water is not going to hurt, but it may help. Dumping a bucket of Water is not going to Cure ALS: Really, wow. That is depressing. I thought if I thought about someone who has ALS while I did this, then they would be cured. You know like a leper in the bible or something. Wait, I am not an idiot, and neither is anyone participating. Again this is about raising MONEY for ALS research, and raising AWARENESS about the Disease. Again water is not the cure, if it was, well our bad … we will get on to dousing people. Well since it is not, I guess we can go ahead and keep raising MONEY and AWARENESS. They need my money more than I need Ice Water on my head: This is my favourite. The Ice water and the challenge is the fun part that makes people want to watch your video, that and you challenge your friends to donate and raise MONEY and AWARENESS. Okay let’s bust this one wide open. This is the challenge. Either a) Dump a bucket of Ice water on your head and donate $10.00 to ALS research, or b) donate $100.00 to ALS research. You have 24 hours from when you are challenged to film a video, and if you opt for a) you are supposed to challenge 3 friends. I know you could think, wow, that seems like a rip off save $90.00 by dumping ice water on your head. Hey wouldn’t it be better to donate $100.00. So the critics are right, aren’t they? No they are stupid. There is no reason why you cannot do both, dump the water, challenge your friends and donate more than $10.00. Instead of making a big public statement about how much you are donating or how much they need the money more. Please, just have some fun, and give the money, most importantly, Challenge your friends to participate to. This point is twofold. Not everyone can afford a $100 dollars, but most people could afford $10. It is not just about the money, it is about doing something. If you personally think $10 is too little, then donate more, don’t use is as an excuse to do nothing, and complain about others who are doing something. I promise the ALS association will not reject donations of more than $10.00 if you dumped ice water on your head, they are not stupid. This is about fame, or something … blah blah blah: This comes down to judging someone’s motive for why they are doing something. No sarcasm all joking aside, just don’t. Don’t be an ass. Who are you to judge a person’s motive for doing something? Do you get upset when you see all those people at the Terry Fox run? Those jerks they probably are just doing it for fitness, they don’t really care about Cancer. What about all the people who play the heart and stroke lottery? Those bastards, they really just what that care, they obviously don’t care. What about the Dragon boat racers, or the people who have back sales or yard sales for families with special needs, or animal shelters. They are the worst right, they just want to get a day off work or buy someone’s used crap or get some treats, they don’t really care. (So I lied there was some sarcasm). Let me wrap up and get to the point; I do have one. All the protest and activist crap should stop. Its all talk, as much about getting 15 seconds of fame for you cause as anything else. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is not likely to cure ALS, that is a sad reality, there is still so much we do not know about this disease. However, it is not hurting. Who cares why a person does it, or how much they give, or who the challenge? Who cares if there are other charities that need money too? This is not about any of that. This is not about other charities or anyone’s 15 seconds of fame. This is about raising MONEY and AWARENESS for ALS research. Every little bit helps. This weekend at some point my wife Robin Tracy Wolfraim-Jenkins and I are going to do the ALS Ice bucket Challenge. If you need to know we are going to donate more than $10.00, how much more is none of your business, it is ours. We are doing this because it matters to us. We are also doing it for a friend who has been diagnosed with ALS. She rocks, and it is my hope and earnest prayer, that his disease is cured or treated in her lifetime. In order to help we are doing the challenge, because we choose to. If you choose not to that is okay, it’s your time, and money, but please stop all the hating, let people help however they can. The important thing is that they, and you do something.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 22:53:01 +0000

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