Today I approached a woman and asked if she had eaten lunch... As - TopicsExpress


Today I approached a woman and asked if she had eaten lunch... As we began to talk I asked for her name and shook her hand, she then asked my name, I said Meagan and she paused and waited for me to say something else... I didnt... She then said a long drawn out from?... I paused awkwardly not quite getting her question... I thought about saying Mars but I didnt know how well that would go over and then I figured it out... She was asking which organization or church I was from... I said Jesus... She looked at me kind of funny... I just told her that I love Jesus and that He loves her and I wanted to spend my day sharing warm food and coffee with those who may otherwise be going without... I shared about how my mom didnt value her own life and that I am grateful that no matter what life had thrown her way that she still had a drive to live and look forward to things getting better... Her face lit up and we had a good conversation... Another woman showed up while we were talking and I gave her some food and coffee too... She was in pretty rough shape and had so many scars... Her entire body was covered in the evidence of meth or heroin use but she was wearing a cross... When I shared with her why I was out feeding people and how I used to use meth but overcame it and about my moms suicide she was visually broken, she had so much pain in her eyes and just thanked me and offered condolences... I told her that its never too late to move in a new direction and that I am so glad that she is still here to have met... What stood out to me most in this interaction is that the first woman was waiting for me to elaborate on the task I had in regards to the charity, organization or specific church I was there to represent... She was waiting for me to treat her like a project or to do my job... Once she knew that I was just a random person with no motives or obligations she just opened right up, friendly and receptive... It made me wonder, how many homeless people only hear from volunteers or paid staff for organizations geared toward the homeless? How many hear from people who simply want to invite them to attend a church service? I dont know the answer to these questions but I do know what I saw in this womans countenance today, she breathed a breath of fresh air over someone just wanting to give her a meal and visit for a while... She just wanted someone to laugh with and exchange names with... Please pray for these two women, especially for Christina, Im hoping that she will have felt genuine worth bestowed on her and that she will choose to move forward into a new and healthy life!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 01:41:18 +0000

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