Today our nations have failed yet again to display the creed of - TopicsExpress


Today our nations have failed yet again to display the creed of our Pledge, "One Nation undivided with Liberty and Justice for ALL"! It is sad to see the government shut down simply because the ones whom we trust to govern our nations without bias; has failed to agree on Affordable Healthcare. This has not affected a simple dimension of the government but $800,000 people are left unemployed. If we are recovering from recession this pushes us down not up. Perhaps those who closed down the government did not care about the senior citizens that rely on their SSI and SSDI to survive, to eat, pay their monthly living expenses, get their medications, perhaps they cared not about those whose only income for a family or single parents is the job they were just furloughed from, no they did not care because it did not affect them. All of the horrific things going on around us yet so many have failed to see where the real war lies. 911 should have brought us together but as a nation we are falling apart. Who in this case receive punishment for hostage, for in this hour the nation is held hostage waiting for the ransom demanded by Republican party to be paid. Who will pay the landlords for those who must pay their rent, who will pay the pharmacy for those who need their medications, who will pay the cashier for those who need their groceries, and who will guard the nations while the armed forces are furloughed. God is not pleased with America, this is not an image other nations should mimic. Terrorist are discerning how divided we stand.In the weak links is where the enemy gains entry. Today I pray for the souls of those behind this catastrophe, truly the Lord will deal with you accordingly. Isaiah 1:17, says Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow. Leviticus 19:15 says`You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly. The shut down today truly display injustice. If love being action word show us one truly loves us, justice being an action word show us who truly stand s for justice, unity, peace of all men and who repels it. Today I lift this nation before the Almighty God and I pray that His Justice prevails. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, spiritual wickedness, and rulers of darkness in high places. Today people of God this not a war among the flesh but among the spirit. Two kingdoms are at war today THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and the kingdom of Darkness. For it is written, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.(Isaiah, 9:6). Today Oh Lord I lift my eyes to the hills from which forth the help of this nation comes from. Lord cover me your daughter under the blood of Jesus, search me, cleanse me, purify me, make me whole again. Forgive me of my sins as I forgive those whom has sinned against me. May I be found in right standing with you on that day of Judgment. Lord I give to you this nation declaring God of the Heaven and God of the earth. You said the heart of the king is in your hands like a stream willing it towards those who please you. Lord I place the hearts of the republican party, the democratic party, the house, the senate, the congress, the parliament, the commissioner the judicial system, the legislative office, the supreme court system, all that make up the United States House of Representatives,and our President, Lord I beseech you today to speak to their hearts. Lord call the people to look to you and not to man, that you will be He who sustains us, He who protects us, He who governs us, He who provides for us, He who delivers justice and equality to all of humanity. Lord if there ever was a time, now is the right time for you to rise and all your enemies be scattered, for you to rise and show those who have repented of their evils ways, turn from sin, religious practices and the worship of false idols, sought your face , interceding for this nation,now right now is the time Oh merciful Father for you to hear from heaven and heal our land. Take us back dear Lord to the Acts of the great Apostle where the people gathered all they had and ;aid it at the feet of the priest so none would go without. Lord I ask that you destroy the spirit selfishness and restore brotherly love that we act selflessly. Lord only you can do this so today dear Father, step from the heavens into the earth and do what only you can do. Let us not look for one man to do anything but as a nation do it in unity for your word says at the place where you shall find unity among the people, you shall command a blessing. Lord your love, peace, protection, wisdom, guidance, and spirit blankets the globe and we command destruction on the forces of darkness right now. Send forth your angels of warfare dear Father and command victory today, send forth your angels of restoration today and command the restoration of our nations today today, return us to oneness Oh Lord that you be Glorified, the Kingdom of God edified, and satan Horrified, as you bring destruction to the kingdom of darkness. For I place my trust in thee Oh Lord believing you have heard this prayer, I place my trust in thee Oh Lord believing you have answered this prayer, and I place my trust in thee Oh Lord that we have the victory! I lift the weight from me and return it to you Dear God, I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus, I therefore decree the gates of hell shall not prevail against this nation. I give you all Glory, Honor,and Praise, I say now it is so and so shall it be right now, in Jesus of Nazareth, your only begotten Son, Name I do so humbly pray...Amen! God bless each of you if you stand in agreement, hit Amen...share this prayer and watch the Lord our God Shall Do. Love you, LaRika
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 20:24:54 +0000

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