Today was so busy, I cant believe how much we did in one - TopicsExpress


Today was so busy, I cant believe how much we did in one day! This morning I woke up and was really sick, I actually ended up passing out in my elephants mud bath, which was really embarrassing xP but the mahouts were really nice and took care of me. They made me a drink out of freshly squeezed watermelon juice and aloe Vera leaves from our Eco garden, and after drinking that and laying down for a bit, I felt AMAZING. Once I was back on my feet, it was only about noon or so, and I got to manage our villages fruit stand, which was a lot of fun. Then me and another volunteer went into the village center and taught English to some kids. We worked a lot in the Eco garden, and grow like, literally every fruit, vegetable, an herb you an possibly think of. The elephants are SO beautiful and have totally different personalities. Im working with Poojah, the youngest. Tomorrows her birthday, so Im getting ready to make her a cake! Tonight me and the other volunteers are going to rest up and play card games and drink fresh strawberry daqueries (THE best). Its a lot of hard work here, an we dont have very modern tools to use. Like, our brooms are just tied leaves to a stick, and we use machetes, which is awesome, and I havent hurt myself yet haha I have 37 mosquito bites xP I love it here so much though, this place is absolutely amazing and I love this nitty gritty lifestyle. Heres a video tour of the compound!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 13:16:54 +0000

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