Tonight, someone on Twitter, a troll or someone who is out of - TopicsExpress


Tonight, someone on Twitter, a troll or someone who is out of touch (probably both) responded to a tweet of mine from over 24 hours ago about the flood of illegals coming into the nation, and specifically into the Dallas area. My concern is due to the fact that many of them have infectious diseases and news reports show that many are not being treated. So this guy states to me that don’t worry haha. Wait till #obama grants amnesty by decree. Hope you get a heart attack Lovely isnt it? Person knows nothing about me, but wishes for my death. Great. So I respond asking if he is for amnesty and he responds Dooh nobody home? I then respond asking him if he supports the rule of law? The response was too colorful to repost here. Suffice to say he stated again that Presidential Decree was the way to go. I then responded Then you are against everything the Founders of this country stood for. Ever think that illegal immigration is a crime? To which he responded: @HunterBonner haha. Founders never imagined this country growing more than 13 colonies. My response: @Anti_Maverick Didnt have to. The rule of law applies regardless of population size. Try entering into Mexico undocumented and see. Why am I posting this tonight after midnight, which is now July 4th? Our Independence Day? The reason is simple. This person is not alone. We have a very scary thing that has been going on for years, and most recently with this President who more than ever, thinks he can usurp the Constitution. Congress, by and large seems to allow him to do what he wants as well. But what is scary is that we now have a generation of people, Americans, who think that a President should rule by decree. This shows a lack of any real exposure to American History for if they were exposed to it, they would fully understand why the Founders did not want exactly what is going on. When we have a generation of people, both young and old, who are ready to sign away their rights, give up the rule of law, then what will we be left with? If you want a clue, just look to the south where governments in Central America are so corrupt and controlled by organized crime its unbelievable. Our country seems to be headed that direction too. And it is true. If you try to go to Mexico right now, without a Passport and proper permission to enter the country, then you will be arrested, and thrown in jail and tried as a criminal. Just ask the Marine who is stuck in a Mexican prison for making a wrong turn and winding up there. This is a disgrace, and when you hear Mexican or any other Central American politician come out and say that coming into our country this way is not a problem, but will prosecute the heck out of anyone who does it in their country, is so hypocritical, its beyond stupid. Thinking like that of this Twitter exchange I posted is an example of stupid thinking. Now I do not sit up on high thinking that my way of thinking is above all mankind. That would be playing G-d, and I am not G-d. But you know what? G-d did give us a manual on how to think, conduct ourselves into a civil society, and get along with one another. However, on this July 4, 2014, we are so far away from any sense of living by His Word, its a wonder this nation still exists in any form. On this, our Independence Day, our President, Barack Hussein Obama, Will likely have his photo ops trying to appear to support Independence and Freedom, but all the while wishes to rule by decree, as he has done in several instances already. Meanwhile, he says he is for freedom, but when it comes to Israel, our longtime allies, he has repeatedly asked them to give up sovereign land to a bunch of animals hell bent on their destruction. Isnt it ironic that the President of the land of the free is asking Israel for going on 6 years now to give up its freedom? Is sickens me the level of anti-semitism that this President has. So where are we in the land of the free now? Unborn babies dont have the freedom to live. Christians are ridiculed daily for their belief in G-d, even to the point of harassing young children of faith in classrooms, but if that child were a muslim, nothing would be done. Our closest ally Israel, whom we have had a relationship for over 50 years with, was chilled in just the first few months of Obamas first term in office. Our Veterans, those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms, are left to die on government waiting lists waiting to see a doctor to help them live, and all the while paying out paltry costs of living increases which do nothing of the sort. On top of all of this, we see the erosion of states rights, something the Founders DIED FOR and lost all their wealth for, continuing into a downward spiral to where one day, there could possibly be no reason for state constitutions because there will be no states rights. In short, we are seeing the death of a nation. I do not want to live in a land ruled by a king. I do not want to live in a land where innocent unborn children are slaughtered like people used to do when throwing their children into the fires of Molech in the Bible. I refuse to continue to watch this nation erode into a former shadow of itself run by criminals, greedy politicians, and corporations that put profit above human welfare. I absolutely refuse to accept that in a land found by men of faith in their Creator which we all know they reference the G-d of Abraham and Yeshua HaMasiach (Jesus Christ Messiah), that I have to go into a closet because my beliefs offend the person to either side of me. Its time to stand up silent majority. That silent majority, by and large, is the Christian Church in America. Its time to stand together and demand more from our politicians and let them know that they work for us. Not the other way around. Its time to take back America. It will not be easy, and character assassination is sure to follow. But Im sick of it. I didnt join the Marine Corps to see this nation descend into a pile of goo. Will you stand with me? I dont know where this is going. However, something has to be done. Please share this with people on your timeline and friends. I am not seeking fame or anything. I just want to know if there is anyone out there that would stand with me. To start a movement. A movement back to the way things were and worked fine for over 200 years of this great nation? I look forward to your responses. Sincerely, Hunter Bonner Citizen of the Republic that is the United States of America
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:34:14 +0000

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