U.S. Postal Service Problems Again People in the McKenzie - TopicsExpress


U.S. Postal Service Problems Again People in the McKenzie (38201) area will not receive their November 11 copy of The McKenzie Banner in the mail today. Neither will other regional subscribers - an understandable situation with the Tuesday holiday. The Banner staff and management are sorry for this inconvenience. The Banner published as usual on Tuesday, however, the federal holiday delayed the mailing - for some really odd reasons, the McKenzie Post Office decided to also hold the newspaper for McKenzie patrons. Here are the details: The November 11 issue of The McKenzie Banner arrived at USPS dock in McKenzie at 4:00 a.m. Wednesday. The paperwork was filed electronically with USPS at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday. The money is on deposit with USPS for the mailing. The marked-up newspaper - detailing what are advertisements - was submitted to the window clerk at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday - all prior to the dispatch of the postal carriers on their assigned routes. The newspapers are packaged in bundles pre-sorted in carrier route sequence - in other words, exactly as the carriers drives his or her route. The carriers simply have to case the papers with their other mail. Most are eager to do it, because they are aware their patrons are expecting the newspaper on Wednesday. We thank the carriers for their service. The carriers are not to blame; neither are the window clerks. Its management that made the decision. We were told last week that the papers would be delayed because a processing clerk was on vacation Wednesday and the other clerk would arrive 10:30 a.m. to verify the information The Banner transmitted electronically on Tuesday. In the last several years, that electronic information has never been disputed. Wednesday, I spoke to a substitute postmaster at USPS-McKenzie. She said someone from a different location would call me. The decision not to mail was made locally. The newspapers are mailed at a media mail rate, which is less expensive and does not garner the same privileges as first class mail. We understand. However, for more than 100 years, The Banner has mailed its newspapers at the USPS in McKenzie. We are their longest term customer. We pay in advance. We take the extra step to process the documents electronically so the local window clerk does not have to spend 20-30 minutes each week. Long gone are the days of wonderful customer service at USPS- McKenzie. We mail at other locations as well. Some, like Huntingdon, work with us great. If you have concerns, please call the USPS at 731-352-7977. Some of The Banners patrons have phoned the post office and were told their newspapers are sitting on the USPS dock. The patrons are also phoning us.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:06:23 +0000

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