UNDERSTANDING THE MAN CALLED BUHARI:- May 24/2013:- Reading - TopicsExpress


UNDERSTANDING THE MAN CALLED BUHARI:- May 24/2013:- Reading the interview Maj.-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd) granted Daily Trust which was published on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Buhari blamed President Goodluck Jonathan for the insurgency by the militant sect, Jamā’a Ahl al-sunnah li-da’wa wa al-jihād, commonly referred to as Boko Haram and asked the President to resign saying, “Jonathan should vacate and give way to a competent hand to govern the country”. Buhari further said: “When the Niger Delta militants started their activities in the South-South, they were invited by the late President Umaru Yar’Adua. An aircraft was sent to them and their leaders met with the late President in Aso Rock and discussed issues. They were given money and a training scheme was introduced for their members. But when the Boko Haram emerged in the north, members of the sect were killed.” You have not seen anything yet, before I go on to show you how unstable comments coming, from the new in-law of tinubu,, and flag bearer of modern day progressive( APC) I must let you into some small history, Buhari is reminded that this is not the first time that terrorists have unleashed mayhem on Nigerians. Buhari is reminded that in February and March of 1984, the Maitatsine sect under the leadership of Musa Makaniki unleashed violence in Yola. A conservative estimate is that 1000 people died during those riots and half of the residents of Yola in present day Adamawa State were rendered homeless. The military was unleashed on the sect by the military administration of the same Buhari who was then the Head of State. Similar charges as the ones made today by Buhari were made against the soldiers sent by his government to quell the Maitatsine riots of 1984. They were accused of undue force, destruction of property, raping women and killing civilians. Many human rights groups and activists including J. Peter Pham, the Director of the Michael Ansari Centre at the prestigious Atlantic Council have documented what took place during those riots. In putting down the Maitatsine insurgency, the military incurred collateral damage. Yet, Nigerians understood with Buhari. Did anyone call for his resignation as military Head of State because of the incident? Also, it is a historical fact that Maitatsine riots again flared up more than a year after this in April of 1985, this time in Gombe in present day Gombe State, while Buhari was still the Head of State. Hundreds of people were killed and the military again was called in. There was collateral damage and Makaniki, the arrowhead of Maitatsine, escaped to Cameroon and was not caught until 2004 when Olusegun Obasanjo had ascended to power. Needless to say that rtd general buhari, isnt new to insurgency. Anyway do not let me digress to much from the essence of this small research of mine, that I hope will open our eyes to see for ourselves where the real allegiance of our general really is. on March 25, 2014 punch newspaper:- Muhammadu Buhari, has accused the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, of being the brain behind the formation, growth and sustenance of the Boko Haram sect currently terrorising the nation. The APC leader was reacting to a recent allegation by the National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Chief Olisa Metuh, who said that Buhari’s comments, prior to the 2011 election showed that he founded the group boko haram. Buhari, while reacting to the claim through the former national publicity secretary of the now rested Congress for Progressive Change, CPC, Rotimi Fashakin, in a text message to Punch, in Abuja, on Monday, said, Metuh, the PDP spokesman, was showing as much desperation as Joseph Goebbels in the last days of the Hitler regime. Again, On march6, 2014 with sahara reporters:- “I am not bothered by them (targeting me,”) said the general who describes himself as a proud Muslim. The resident of Nigeria’s northwestern region said that the “government has given me adequate protection,” even amid recent strikes by the Boka Haram that has left carnage in much of the northeast. Muhammadu Buhari took sharp aim at what he called the cowardly targeting of children in playgrounds, school students eating lunch, and shoppers at souks, by the radical Islamist group. In a recent interview with the Voice of America, the general referred to Boko Haram as “Devilish,” and he did not let up when pressed further by Sahara TV’s Rudolf Okonkwo. “Nigeria has the capacity to nip this in the bud,” he said, adding that one way to fight the group, and other would-be terrorists organizations is coming to agreements with neighboring countries, like Chad, Cameroon, and Benin Republic over the unauthorized circulation of weaponry, and training grounds. In perhaps his most surprising comments about Boko Haram, he compared the group with the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the tenure of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The two groups, he noted, were similar, and so are the comparisons of issues surrounding the Nigerian army’s tarnished reputation fighting the group, and its relationship with average citizens. The same criticisms of rape, brutality, and distain of the public were leveled against the British forces, as is the case now with the Nigerian army. “The Nigerian military’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens,” he said. Yet, according to several human rights groups, the Nigerian military has come under fire with wide reports of rape, theft, and outright brutality. It is the same sort of criticism British forces were targeted with while fighting the IRA, the general said. He said he believes the Nigerian army has been properly trained to fight insurgents out-of-uniform, when compared with other countries herei began to have difficulties, as I could not relate this buhari, to the one who had earlier claimed that our govt was behind bokoharam, and the military a little overwhelmed......anyway........hmmm.! Uhm! Do you see the change in tone and direction of thought,well if you still do not understand me, be patient there is more, Saturday March 29th, 2014 general buhari said:- “We condemn the recent escalation of senseless violence in Borno State. Our prayers and sympathies are with the victims and their families. “There is no justification for this wanton disregard for the sanctity and dignity of human life. Any ideology that trafficks in terror and violence is a devilish ideology that has no place in a civilized society. “This is the time for our security agencies and those responsible for the security and well-being of our citizens to intensify vigilance in order to mitigate future occurrences. Because, it is inconceivable that despite heavy militarization, terrorists and other criminal elements are still able to terrify the defenceless populations of those areas. May God grant us the strength and unity to overcome this.” Most of you will also remember this statement credited to our progressive general, who happened to have been the first petroleum minister under whose watch millions of naira suddenly disappeared, ( which was what led to justice ayo irikefe panel in the 70s) Buhari says that “if what happens in 2011 should again happen in 2015, by the grace of God, ‘the dog and the baboon would all be soaked in blood” I beg to ask whose blood, and just as this question began to raise storms in my brain, our fiendishly strongarm strongman kills it. Again, living. No doubt in my mind whose blood he was talking about.. Hold your breath as there is more, Quoting MR, making Nigeria ungovernable himself,:- Buhari who spoke on Sunday on a Liberty Radio programme, Guest of the Week monitored, accused the government of killing and destroying houses belonging to Boko Haram members while the Niger Delta militants get special treatment. The former dictator said that unlike the special treatment given to the Niger Delta militants by the federal government, the Boko Haram members were being killed and their houses demolished by government. While accusing President Jonathan of failing from the beginning to address the security situation in the country, Buhari said he has never been in support of the state of emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa state. According to Buhari “what is responsible for the security situation in the country is caused by the activities of Niger Delta militants. Every Nigerian that is familiar with what is happening knows this. The Niger Delta militants started it all. “What happened is that the governors of the Niger Delta region at that time wanted to win their elections. So they recruited the youths and gave them guns and bullets and used them against their opponents to win elections by force. After the elections were over, they asked the boys to return the guns; the boys refused to return the guns. Because of that, the allowance that was being given to the youths by the governors during that time was stopped. The youths resorted to kidnapping oil workers and were collecting dollars as ransom. Now a boy of 18 to 20 years was getting about 500 dollars in a week, why will he go to school and spend 20 years to study and then come back and get employed by government to be paid N100,000 a month, that is if he is lucky to get employment. So kidnapping becomes very rampant in the South -South and the South -East. They kidnapped people and were collecting money. How did Boko Haram start? We know that their leader, Mohammed Yusuf started his militancy and the police couldn’t control them and the army was invited. He was arrested by soldiers and handed over to the police. The appropriate thing to do, according to the law, was for the police to carry out investigations and charge him to court for prosecution, but they killed him, his in-law was killed, they went and demolished their houses. ( Whose houses, if we are still talking about the leader, that is) Does anyone still doubt our man Flints culpability, well I dont. And just in case his people want to hala at me, whether through facebook responses,or any other means, my address is on facebook. I no dey run.I no dey fear una, the truth will prevail, buhari cannot govern Nigeria, not as the nation is currently constituted. It isnt possible, I do not know him personaly, but if what he has been saying every where is true, then I am most certain( and I do not need any PDP to tell me, that he is as guilty as that mask wearing vampire who the military once claimed to have killed. He is as inconsistent as the present day Nigerian weather, as erratic as Nigerian power supply, and therefore I do not trust him. If he is the best APC can do, then no matter what he is being goaded to say in public now, they have lost 2015( anyway I have sworn that vote to president jonathan, on that there is no going back). Again I say here, just incase someple would want to label me a pdp apologist, * fashola holds my vote for anything he decides to contest for,anyposition atall, except the presidency. * oshiomole holds my vote for any office he vies for Akpabio holds my vote for any position he decides to contest in this country. And rochas too, so far none of them contest against jonathan. And I am yet to see myself voting any other PDP anything in this country. But one thing is certain, no matter how they paint buhari, how the wash his leopard skin, I will never give him my vote. Simple. Make your own deductions.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:55:54 +0000

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