*WARNING ABOUT BINAURAL BEATS BEFORE I GO OFF TO READ CHAVAQQUWQ* (the spirit of Yâ-hwéh had signaled me to study it): (reference to binaural beats) Guys, I made a mistake. Please forgive me. I did not mean to mislead or anything. All I wanted was yes or no and heres why. How am I supposed to ask a question or get an answer with the group now without getting chastised and accused? I shouldve posted there, but I thought it was done and closed, so I didnt want to extend it. I did not mean to get my fellow believers to get upset at me... WARNING ABOUT BINAURAL BEATS BEFORE I GO OFF TO READ CHAVAQQUWQ (the spirit of Yâ-hwéh had signaled me to study it), answers from our brother and sister at last!!: Binaural beats meditation involves concentrating and eliminating all other sensory perception to focus on training your ears to separate the two sounds with your two ears/brains, and giving 110% to training your hearing to hear at different frequencies. This will open the portal to allowing you to distinguish and hear better the spirit voices around you, but NOT YAHWEH. making it thus easier to receive evil spirit instructions this is all related to tantric meditations too it is spiritism you need to get away from that and not bring it like a dead rat into the Convocation because we gather to edify each other not to say look this is a dead rat, taste it, see its dead there is no such thing as neutral energy. And headless things which mess with the spirit are doctrines of demons things to tune you into their voices, also bad. many such things exist out there and they are unlabeled and they are like razor blades in apples, hidden pretty to entice
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:29:02 +0000

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