WE ALMST HAD IT ALL Part 18 Nthato was really getting - TopicsExpress


WE ALMST HAD IT ALL Part 18 Nthato was really getting uncomfortable being in this room and was not even sure she even wanted to hear what Ruth had to say. She tried desperately to get away but Ruth insisted she stayed You see Nthato in order to be a good wife you need to be strong enough to face anything that comes your way. There are many challenges that are going to come your way and running away or ignoring them will not be the answer. I also learned the hard way dear. She was still uncomfortable and those words made her feel worse Ma its not that Im trying to run away but I feel that whatever you are about to say is between you and Mandla Babes like I told you before, you are now part of this family therefore you should stay and listen what mom has to say. Besides, I dont think I have the strength or energy to do this alone so please stay? Ok, as long as youre fine with me staying because id hate to pry Id love that very much babes Right, now that weve settled that, Id like to start from the beginning... Many years ago I fell in love with a man who was my business partner, I can say it was love at first sight. Two months later we decided to Get married. We then bought a house where we both stayed and because we were both very busy people, it was only natural that we hired someone to help us with house chores. She was such a wonderful woman. Not only did she help us but whenever kunama family gatherings, shed also join in just to help. She was a hard worker and we all loved her, empeleni we all started treating her like family since she didnt have any of her own. I remember how she used to sing whenever she worked. Sometimes Id come late from work, go to the study to finish my work and Id hear her singing from the hallway all the way into my study and by the time she popped her head around the door, Id have joined in eculweni ayelicula. She was just too... Ok...ma is it that important to give details about your former house help? Mandla queried impatiently but tried to compose himself I know you want to get to the end but you must first understand what really transpired many years ago. Anyway, your father and I used to travel a lot on leisure and business trips but it was mostly business but he normally came back before me. You see I was a perfectionist back then, never backed down until the deal was signed and sealed. Your father on the other hand was a bit impatient hence he always cut his trips short, or at least thats what I thought until one day when I found him in our helpers room going through her things, I asked what he was doing there and he simply said it was his house and he had every right to go to any room in it so I left it at that and we carried on as normal. However, a few weeks later, I started to notice some changes on our helper. She was no longer the ever jolly girl she always used to be. I asked her several times if everything was ok and shed always say she was fine but I could see that she was not telling the truth. You see, your father and I never spoke about having kids because we were both very busy people. I had tried to bring it up the other day but he simply brushed it off saying we were still too oyoung to be tied down by children so I decided not to mention it again. I remember the year when I travelled abroad for nearly six months to go and stabilize things in one of our companies which was experiencing problems and he was supposed to join me two weeks later but he never showed up. Whenever I called his phone would either be busy or off so I gave up trying to reach him and instead concentrated on the company that desperately needed my attention. A few weeks later, he called to say he was still trying to seal a deal with one of our investors and promised to join as soon as he was done so I understood. To my dismay, days became weeks, weeks became months and before i knew it, six months was almost over and it was time for me to go back home. I did not want to call and tell him that i was coming home that day because i was too angry with him for doing that to me. When I got home, I discovered that our helper was pregnant but I didnt ask who the father was because she never even told me she had a boyfriend. I simply greeted and asked how things were and when I got a positive report I then excused myself since I was very tired from traveling. She said something about wanting to speak to me but I told her that I couldnt discuss anything that night for I was too tired. She even offered to fix me dinner which I politely refused. Something was different about the house and it wasnt the fact that I havent been there but it was more spiritual than physical. I noticed that our helper did not sing anymore but that didnt bother me because I needed tranquility. When my husband came back that night, he apologized and showed me proof that hes been working too hard. he actually managed to get us a deal that we had been trying to get for almost two years so I wont lie, I was really impressed and thats how he got off the hook. As days went by, our helpers bump started growing and he started complaining saying it was not good for our image and what if we hosted business associates for dinner, what would they think. Though I did not fully agree but I still promised to speak to our helper to take some time off. He suggested we fire her but I told hum straight that, that would never happen! Two days after my husband and I spoke, I called her and told her what Patrice has said and she got very angry and shame I understood why,or so I thought. she said there was something she needed to tell me and again I dismissed her and assured her that she will get her full pay even while she was on maternity leave and she insisted saying it wasnt about the money and was very important but when I sat down to listen, my husband walked in and she excused herself saying she just remembered that she had work to do. That same week on a Tuesday when she was due to leave, I found a note on my desk in the study and thought it could be the list of chores that I was supposed to give to her stand in helper so I pushed it aside and got on with work. My husband was sweeter than usual and kept asking when was the maid leaving so that we could have some alone time. He knew I didnt like to use the name maid but hed always say thats what they are called. I told him she was due to leave on Friday and he said he couldnt wait that long. I got a little confused and he must have seen my confusion because he quickly said he had plans for us that same Thursday so I then relaxed a bit but could still sense that he was not being completely hornets with me. Anyway the following day something strange happened, I was supposed to go to work but just didnt feel like. I guess my sixth sense was telling me something. My husband left early for work while I on the other hand woke woke up late only to find out that our helper was still asleep so naturally I went to check if she was ok because she was heavily pregnant by that time and when I got there I could not believe my eyes! I have never seen so much blood in my entire life and it was all over the floor and bed linen. At first I couldnt see where she was and just as I was about to walk out to try and call the police, I headed someone sobbing painfully and when I checked again, there she was, lying on a pool of blood next to the bed. I figured she must have fallen. I quickly rushed to her side and she tried to tell me something but all I could hear was...careful but when I asked her of what, she wouldnt say. I immediately went to call an ambulance but it took its own time to arrive do I decided to drive her to the hospital myself. In the car she was still trying to speak but her breath kept braking. The only sentence I heard was, dont let him die too. I was really scared and didnt know what to do. I phoned my husband and he said he was on his way. When we arrived at the hospital, she was quickly rushed into delivery room and I had no hope since she had lost so much blood but I kept praying that at least a child makes it. My husband arrived at the hospital moments later and asked what had happened. I told him everything I knew and told him that when i found her she couldnt even speak. He then said he suspected she was trying to abort the child I got surprised. How could one abort a child at eight months? It didnt make any sense but anyway, we both waited for what seemed like hours until the doctor showed up. He didnt look too happy. As I feared, she didnt make it but miraculously the baby survived. He was so tiny he had to be incubated for two months. Anyway, to cut the story short, I decided to adopt the child since he didnt have another family. My husband was not too happy but that wasnt his call to make so... Wait ma, did you say he, as in the child was a boy? Mandla queried and he hoped he had heard wrong but to his disappointment his mother agreed So could this be...no ma it cant be... Mandla allow me to finish But ma you told me...no! By this time he was pacing up and down only stoping to look at his mother and shake his head Mandla that is not the whole story...
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:22:37 +0000

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