WEDNESDAY - October 22, 2014 From: James Murphy Sent: - TopicsExpress


WEDNESDAY - October 22, 2014 From: James Murphy Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:26 PM Greetings once more from the Association Of Jingoistic West Texas Conclusion Jumpers. NUMBERS: It seems like almost every week, if not more frequent, that we are subjected to some statistical information which shows all of us just how effective President Barack Hussein Obama has been and is now and will be in the future. Of course these figures are generally re-adjusted after a week or so and generally show that the first statistical figures attributed to the worlds most articulate and intelligent human were not as good as originally reported. I have watched Obama supporters and Obama himself tell audiences that during his time in office, the Obama Administration has created several million jobs. And you can watch the idiots who believe every word uttered by this mob controlled Chicago con-man, eat it up. I dont guess that any of them for a moment would believe that the figures are pulled out of the air in order to keep our federal government in the hands of Democrats/Socialists/Marxists. Last week the Obama Administration along with the mainstream media vermin were harping on how the unemployment rate had gone down to 5.6%. Now that 5.6% looks really good on the surface but then you hear the news that the welfare roles have INCREASED as have UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. SO, one must seriously wonder how the Obama Administration came up with this 5.6% figure. Also, if the general public would take the time to check into the UNEMPLOYMENT situation you might find that a few states actually come in BELOW this alleged national average.............. LIKE FOR INSTANCE: North Dakota .............. 2.8% Nebraska .................... 3.6% South Dakota .............. 3.6% Texas .......................... 3.9% Iowa ........................... 4.5% Wyoming .................... 4.6% Idaho .......................... 4.7% Montana ..................... 4.7% Oklahoma .................... 4.7% Kansas ......................... 4.9% Now for those of you residing in the Peoples Republic of San Francisco, ALL OF THOSE STATES HAVE AN UNEMPLOYMENT LOWER THAN THE ALLEGED NATIONAL AVERAGE. SO........................ IN ORDER TO REACH THE REPORTED FIGURE OF 5.6% A NUMBER OF STATES WOULD NECESSARILY HAVE TO HAVE AN UNEMPLOYMENT AVERAGE LARGER THAN THE 5.6%................... LIKE FOR INSTANCE: Illinois ..................... 6.7% New York ................ 6.4% District of Columbia.. 7.6% Michigan ................. 7.4% As a matter of fact 30 states have an unemployment average over the 5.6% Anyone who places their sense of well being in government figures is not thinking clearly. AND many of the states who have unemployment rates at or over the 5.6% Obama Administration are COAL PRODUCING STATES. AND DO NOT FORGET that Barack Hussein Obama promised when he took office that he was going to put the coal mining companies out of business and would do it through regulations which would render coal producing too costly to pursue. SO, since they are not being honest about UNEMPLOYMENT, WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE ANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION PUT OUT BY THESE CON-MEN? I have come to the conclusion that my old Partner Peary Perry and I came up with years ago. We arrived at the conclusion that many companies and service providers arrived at their billing figures by subtracting their zip codes from their telephone numbers. All they would need to do would be to move the decimal point either to the right or left to come up with a workable figure. Sort of makes you wonder about his JOBS CREATED numbers doesnt it? Just stop and think. GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CREATE JOBS...... GOVERNMENT CREATES BIGGER AND MORE INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT. It makes me want to burst into flames when I hear Obama or one of his band of merry men say that every Government Job created means more tax dollars taken in. I am going to point out the idiocy of their train of thought. Just say you create a government job which pays $70,000 per year. THIS $70,000 salary is paid 100% by TAX DOLLARS. Come tax time, probably $55,000 out of the $70,000 is taxable income. This government employee would fall into the 15% tax bracket which would make his income tax obligation at $8,250. SO, the GOVERNMENT HAS SPENT $70,000 IN TAX DOLLARS IN ORDER TO RECUPERATE $8,250. (Now for those of you residing in the Freedom Loving Peoples Colony of Austin, the government only loses $61,750 for each GOVERNMENT CREATED JOB). I place about as much credence in the Obama Administrations statistical information as I do about their constant harping about The War On Women. I have one word to describe both......bullshit...... yeah thats right, its one word. God help us if the Republicans do not take control of the Senate in November PRAYER LIST: Tony Aguilar, Mary Vigil, Joe & Ruth Lucero, Ted Salgado -NM - Ella Dunlop, Kaleigh Paige Hudgens, Bobby Peiser, Bob Wallman, Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy, Don Faubion, Judy Langham, Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker, Charlotte Williams, John Gallemore, Zak Krejci, Debra Blake, Mary Denson, Randy Jones, Don Weaver, Roger Goertz, Billy Williams, Gerry Fincher, Jerry Carpenter, Steve Mida, Joanie Glaeser - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (98) - IL - Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak, Alan Miller, Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez, Hamilton Anderson, Arlene Anderson, Kate Nolan - FL - L.T. Drennan - OK - Lynn Jones - NE - Warren Wetmore - IL - Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban - MD - Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard, Bette Miller - AZ - Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa) - CA - Pat Holley, Keith Chambers, Nancy Chambers, LANA Athey - CO - Hal Whitmore - DE - Herb Johnston - NY - Lonnie Shoultz - AL - Perry Evans - AR - Jim Pinney, James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old) - OH - Josip & Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI - Rick Vizzier USNA74, Steve Burich USNA74 -VA - George Rimmer - WA, RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler, CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler) SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, * 1ST LT. Levi English, GySgt. Eric Harmon, Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. OBrien, MGySgt. 46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart - USMC Kenneth Thomas -USCG SSgt. Eric Grudziecke, A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, TSgt. Aaron Brown, TSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, 1st LT. Mandie Yates - USAF - Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG - Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY - Lt. William Jourdan, CDR Robert McLay, Lt. Tommy Brown, Lt. Russell Brown, CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret), E5 Matthew J. Blaker, Ensign Ethan English, CAPT. (RET) Charley Plumly - US NAVY - Bud Barnett - USNA 74 - SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES - SSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan, Michael B. Hudgens, Scott Hillyer, Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck - US ARMY - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military John Mallory - DEA - Fr. Joseph M. Peek, Gary and Cindy Hogman, Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families. QUOTES: Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.......... JOHN WOODEN The appeal of political correctness is that it attempts to change mens souls by altering how they speak. If one sufficiently reforms language, certain thoughts become unthinkable, and the world moves in the approved direction....... ANTHONY DANIELS Why are Americans -- and the Western world in general -- falling all over ourselves stifling our own self-expression to appease people who chose to immigrate here, and are now demanding the suppression of anything they dont like, such as public expressions of Christianity or displays of the American flag?..... THOMAS SOWELL What a non-judgmental society amounts to is that common decency is optional -- which means that decency is likely to become less common.... THOMAS SOWELL An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.... Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death...... PATRICK HENRY VARMINT LIST: Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, George Soros, Joe Biden, Louis Farrakhan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC Chairperson, Leon Panetta, Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts, Eric Holder, John McCain R-AZ, Valerie Jarrett, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Lanny Davis, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chuck Schumer, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Ezekiel Emanuel, Kathleen Sebelius, Bill Richardson, Jay Carney, Susan Rice, Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN, Former Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano, COLIN POWELL , Michael Moore, John Kerry, Lindsey Graham, Former President Jimmy Carter. Al Gore, Chuck Hagel, Dick Durbin, Andrew Cuomo, Chris Christie R-NJ , Michael Bloomberg, Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX, Susan Collins R-ME, Patrick Leahy, Jeff Flake R-AZ, Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX, John Boehner R-OH, John Cornyn R-TX, Mitch McConnell R-KY, Mike Huckabee R-AR, Lisa Murkowski R-AK, Robert Menendez NJ, Al Franken MN, Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Patty Murray WA, Henry Waxman CA, Linda Sanchez CA, Maxine Waters CA, State Senator Wendy Davis D-TX, Elijah Cummings D-MD, NY Mayor Bill de Blasio, Lois Lerner, Michael Morrell, Tommy Vietor (National Security Council Spokesman), Karl Rove, Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH, Jen Psaki (State Department), Josh Earnest, Marie Harf(State Department), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO), Orin Hatch (R-UT), John Koskinen (IRS COMMISSIONER), Jeh Johnson (Homeland Security Secretary), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Deval Patrick (D-MA), Charlie Crist (D-FL), Jerry Brown (D-CA), John Lewis (D-GA), Michelle Nunn (D-GA), Jay Nixon (D-MO-Gov.), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Julia Pierson MSNBC, ACLU, Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, UNITED NATIONS, Jane Fonda, LA RAZA, MOVEON.ORG, PETA, CAIR, BOB COSTAS (NBC), ESPN, The NFL, CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency, Al Jazeera America, Republican National Committee (RNC), NBC, CBS, CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Tom Steyer (Progressive Billionaire Opposing Keystone Pipeline), NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women), Patricia Ireland, Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News, Juan Williams FOX News, Bob Beckel FOX News, The Washington Redskins Football Team, James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game) MORE STUFF: Well, well, well...... I heard today that the autopsy report on Michael Brown (The Gentle Giant) shows that the account of the shooting of Brown (The Gentle Giant) given by Officer Darren Wilson was correct AND that means that the so called witnesses statements supporting Michael Browns (The Gentle Giant) being shot in the back with his hands up are..... fal--; incor----; wro--; in err--; whats the term I am looking for? OH YEAH... LIES! Of course I am sure that the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and many in the media will have some really great reasons why none of us should believe a Forensic Pathologist over them. ---------------------------------- The reports of the shooting at the Canadian Parliament are still incomplete but I would not be surprised to hear some Obama spokesperson tell us NOT TO JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS... and to remember that Islam Is A Religion Of Peace. Keep in mind that the worlds most articulate and intelligent human has assured us that ISIS/ISIL Is Not Islamic. I am sure that the Moderate Muslims in Canada will be up in arms over this last couple of incidents. -------------------------- Last week end I watched football, College and NFL and really enjoyed most of the games I saw. Some real surprises and some not so surprising. But I was really impressed by the performance of the Dallas Cowboys. While I dont hold their owner in very high regard I think that their coaching staff has hit on a winning formula. I also really enjoyed watching Peyton Manning break Brett Favres record for most touchdown passes. It is just fun to watch Peyton Manning play and how he acts on the sidelines as well as how he acts on the field should be who the young kids should watch and emulate. THEN, this morning, just when I was prepared to get off the NFLs case I had to hear a news report that Michael Sam had been CUT from the Dallas Cowboys practice squad. Now keep in mind, they did a press conference when he was cut from the St. Louis Rams team and signed on the Cowboys PRACTICE SQUAD. Then they made another big deal about his latest removal from an NFL team. Much ado about nothing. -------------------------- Also last week end on the TCM Channel they had three movies which I really like. The first being King Solomons Mines which was made in about 1950 and had a great cast and beautiful scenery. This was only the SECOND movie about Africa which was shot on location in several African countries. Immediately following that was an old movie from 1931, Trader Horn, which was the FIRST MOVIE FILMED ON LOCATION IN AFRICA. Of course in 1931 they did not have to deal with political correctness and had some really great animal scenes. They did a remake of this movie a few years back and it was unrecognizable. One of the lead roles in Trader Horn was played by Duncan Reynaldo whom you might remember in the 1950s as The Cisco Kid from early TV. Finally, very late on Saturday Night I watched one of my all time favorite movies, The Four Feathers which had a superb British cast and some of the greatest action scenes I have ever seen in any movie. Great football and great movies are tough to beat. --------------------------- HEY! Hope you all like Haitians since the Obama Administration is currently making it much easier for them to enter the U.S. Wonder how the worlds most articulate and intelligent human would react if large amounts of people from Ireland. If you dont know about the history of Haiti, you should really read a bit about this banana republic and the great leadership shown by their rulers. ------------------ GOOD GUYS: TREY GOWDY; MIKE LEE; TED CRUZ; ALLEN WEST; JON BOLTON; COL. RALPH PETERS; GEN. JACK KEANE; SCOTT WALKER SEE YALL NEXT WEEK JEM
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 00:53:39 +0000

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