WELL WELL WELL Can you say HAPPY DANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!! ??? - TopicsExpress


WELL WELL WELL Can you say HAPPY DANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!! ??? :-D Got my CT results today and there is NO I repeat NO tumor left in my colon!!!!! There are a few lesions that have contrast leftover inside the lesions that are probably from last weeks CT scan. They have shrunk and more disappeared. I told yall that it was going to be good news!!!! No more Folfiri chemo, just gonna be doing weekly maintainence with the Erbitux. Im sure that there will be another CT down the road just to make sure the little boogers are gone from the liver. I know they will be going away. This is a celebration alot of people have been waiting for and alot of prayers from all of you that have been praying for me I am forever grateful to and Love You for it. I am still hoping to check off my bucket list a plane ticket so I can go to Barbados to check off my dream vacation got a friend to stay with & show me the sights. It just has to be during non hurricane season LOL :-D Have a terrific day and remember this one thing everyone... There are people that are in not so good health, circumstances that we are. Think about that next time you want to complain about a slight ache or pain or just ran outta milk or bread. Yes there are people that have never had some of the luxuries that we have had. I appreciate all that I have and make do with what I have. Make your day great and do that happy dance that you see me doing about my ct results!!!! (_/_) )_/_(
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:33:27 +0000

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