Want to see the most REAL news conference? Santos Bonacci - TopicsExpress


Want to see the most REAL news conference? Santos Bonacci Independently filmed Court Press Conference: How to discharge a fine/debt: There are three people who show up for a court case, 1) The Trustee is the judge/clerk 2) The Executive Officer is the prosecution and 3) The Beneficiary is You and Me, We The People. The Beneficiary authorizes the Trustee, the judge/clerk, to discharge the debt with their signature. If the authorization does not become accepted or approved by the Trustee, the Trustee is committing fraud and are aiding and abetting a fraud slavery system of The People under Corporate/Bank statue legal terminology. The Beneficiary then becomes a living witness to this fraud. A single birth certificate is worth $6Million in one lifetime. A birth certificate is traded on the stock exchange system as a bond. The birth certificate scam was created and run by the richest families, The Rockerfeller and The Rothschild families alongside with the Institution known as the Vatican Church of Rome. These three entities purchase or somehow acquire these birth certificates through the hospitals which are run by the Knights of Malta. EVERYTHING is PREPAID through this birth certificate system. Businesses that send Statement that are due for payment are double-dipping for profit and are thus increasing the DEBT. Debt is a form of I Owe You (I.O.U.) and Federal Reserve Notes are I.O.U. with NO CASH VALUE. The true cash value is from the birth certificate and We The People are the Beneficiaries of these birth certificates. More notes: Marijuana is a legal term created by the Rockerfellers in the 1940s in order to stop the production and use of HEMP/CANNABIS. Cannabis and Hemp are LAWFUL names, they are not legal names. Use the legal terminology name Marijuana and you will be in Trouble because Marijuana is illegal under Corporate Statue legal system. youtu.be/5ysESwj1w10
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:47:36 +0000

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