We are settled in for the night. Carolina has been given 1 chemo - TopicsExpress


We are settled in for the night. Carolina has been given 1 chemo drug so far. She is currently being given fluids to keep her hydrated. She will receive another chemo drug during the night. I have several specific prayer requests: 1) Carolina to not have any more fever. Fevers at this time could increase the time she has to stay in the hospital. 2) Carolinas blood counts to stay at a good level. 3) Her energy level to stay up. 4) Her immune system to stay strong. This obviously will help her fight off viruses and colds. 5) Carolinas main side effect will be nausea and just feeling bad. Pray for this to be minimized and not be a problem. 6) Michael and Nicole to enjoy their last day of school. All they have left is awards chapel in the morning. Haaaaaaalleeeeeeeluuuuuujah! I am so proud of them! Ok, my God is just ridiculously awesome! He gave us some great news this afternoon. Just because He can. All along, we have been planning for a 72 hour stay that started at 9pm tonight. We would be discharged, barring any setbacks, Thursday night at 9pm. The Dr. told us this afternoon, we will be discharged Wednesday morning some time. A day and a half earlier than what we were expecting. This is because the gene type of her tumor was the best type to have, and the MRI results were so good. My God is a BIG God, and He continues to do BIG things! These few days in the hospital are not going to be fun. They may be down right nasty. I have no idea what to expect. BUT, I do know, that my Gods got this! He knew we would be here, and we are not alone. He will be right beside us every step of the way. When it gets hard, He will provide the grace we need to complete this journey. Keep praying! BELIEVE!!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 01:52:19 +0000

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