We may have many natural virtues, as Saint Paul say, you may give - TopicsExpress


We may have many natural virtues, as Saint Paul say, you may give your body over to be burn or you may give all of your goods to the poor but all this profit nothing unless you have supernatural virtue. So all of the virtues rest on supernatural charity and are depended on supernatural charity for their supernatural value and without supernatural charity they are worthless in the side of God. Thus the good work of those in state of mortal sin although they are naturally good acts cannot get a man to Heaven since they are not supernatural good that is they are perform without the supernatural virtue of charity. For a man in state of mortal sin for as long as he loves his mortal sin and does not have contrition(means hatred for sin) and does not confess it, he is in the state of enmity of God and supernatural charity is their killed in the soul, he does not love God. Yes they remain many natural virtues, many years of naturally good acts such as helping his neighbor, or being good to the poor or anything else, they are worthless in the order of salvation. that is they contribute nothing to eternal salvation because they are not animated by the virtue of supernatural charity. We do not go to Heaven for being natural good but we go to Heaven for being supernatural good. and that is the very important point today. Because the gospel of the novus ordo(modern church) is that you are pleasing to God if you are naturally good and that is contrary to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of the teaching of the Church. We must love God supernaturally by first believing in Him, by accepting the truth of the faith as they revealed by God and taught by the Church, by hoping in Him supernaturally, by inspiring to eternal salvation life after death with God and by loving God that is by obeying His Commandments in this life. If you love Me, you will keep My Commandments. with this supernatural motive of pleasing God, loving God that is the way in which we attain eternal salvation. Supernatural Charity primarily is the love of God, all things have their order and the order of creature to God is love so how is the creature properly order to God? by love! he must love God that is the creature i am preferring to the rational creature man must see God as the supreme goodness as that to which ought to be love above all things all consideration life itself above human life itself He must must be love. He must be put in the first place. this is Charity but Charity to be meritorious must be supernatural charity that is its must be that love of God in the soul which is infuse by God himself and this love of God is infuse by God together with supernatural hope and supernatural faith and the other supernatural virtues at the moment of Baptism and those virtues particularly supernatural Charity produce straight through to death unless you delivered disturbed and put it to death by a delivered mortal sin and then the way in which it is restored is by Contrition and Confession that is the Charity that get us to Heaven supernatural charity it is base on supernatural faith that is it is base on a knowledge of God as He is known from His own revelation.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 06:43:46 +0000

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