Wednesday Wellness 💛 Life Happens on the other Side of Fear - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Wellness 💛 Life Happens on the other Side of Fear and Resistance Resistance is the root of our own internal comes from within us and believe it or not it has NO strength of its own. We feed it with power by fearing it. Master that fear and conquer Resistance. This whole time, your whole life, there never was a moment and never will be when we were without the power to alter our destiny. Finding space in your mind (through any form of meditation) and practicing mindfulness throughout your days, in all that you do, makes you more aware of how you have been overwhelmed most of, if not all of your life by the constant barrage if thoughts, emotions, and sensory outputs that draw on your consciousness. What ever your aware of you can master, change and fully enjoy through a shift in your thoughts - create YOUR reality.. Dont allow yourself to become a prisoner in your mind..Life is not meant to be survived but to be LIVED and at your own will When we step outside ourselves and how we have been programmed into our deeper truth you will become aware that you can go beyond all these disturbances and free yourself of any pain, face any stress life throws at you, be able to accomplish ANYTHING you want in life and allows you to really live out your truth...YOU have the power to change anything and make it happen..Fear and resistance hold us back from living our full potential, discovering our truth and really living out a full life. Face fear, push through that resistance and PRACTICE everyday.. It all begins when YOU decide to be honest with yourself, take control, break out of routine, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and take ACTION each and every day..The magic is always on the other side of fear and resistance I promise you 🙌 Are you ready to break free and discover more? The last, if not the greatest, of the human freedoms: to choose their own attitude in any given circumstance. - Bruno Bettelheim Thought is cause: experience is effect. If you dont like the effects in your life, you have to change the nature of your thinking. - Marianne Williamson #fitnessbeauty #fitnessbeautysoul
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:10:46 +0000

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