Well we are a couple of weeks into marathon training, and you will - TopicsExpress


Well we are a couple of weeks into marathon training, and you will all have some plan in your heads, For how far how fast, what tempo and I hope some speed work. Here is a question I think you should ask yourselves about your training, no matter where you got your training plan from. It should have three things built into it. Long runs, tempo, and some speed or hill work. The question is, are all your runs ending up at the same pace, can you tell the tempo run from the long run. Are you doing too much speed work? Whatever you are doing you need to know why you are doing it and what effect and benefit you will get from it. Here is an article may just help you understand. Whats The Best Pace For Your Long Runs? Slow, tempo, or marathon-goal pace--the right speed matters as much as the distance By Amby Burfoot (Google+) Published November 8, 2006 A couple of decades ago, marathon runners and coaches argued endlessly about how many miles to cover on long training runs. Some thought 16 miles would do; others argued for 30. Many settled on the nice, round 20-miler, which has become a standard of sorts, unless youre lucky enough to live in a metric country. In that case, you only have to cover 18.6 miles on long runs, since 30-K is the nearest round number. Today, I take it as a matter of marathon faith that longs runs of 18 to 22 miles suffice. Now the hot question is: How fast (or slow) should your long run be? Theres little to no research available on the topic, although exercise physiology Ph.D. candidate Jason Karp did an interesting questionnaire several years ago with American runners who qualified for the 2004 U.S. Mens and Womens Olympic Marathon Trials. Karp didnt ask them about their long-run pace, but he did discover that the qualifiers ran roughly 28 percent of their weekly miles at marathon pace or faster. Twenty-eight percent is quite high, indicating that the Trials qualifiers did some part of their long runs at marathon pace or faster. Lacking a clear scientific path, I poked around a little to uncover the best long-run pacing strategy. The contenders included these pace acronyms: EZ (easy, relaxed), MP (marathon pace), LT (lactate threshold, otherwise known as tempo pace), and RTYP, which I made up. It stands for Run Till You Puke. Take It EZ Your EZ pace is about one minute per mile slower than your marathon pace. The many fans of easy-paced long efforts contend that these runs allow you to get in your miles, with all the desired physical and mental benefits, while limiting your risk of injury. To increase your speed, you can enter races, or do faster workouts on other days of the week. This kind of training worked wonders for Bill Rodgers when he was king of the roads. Rodgers would often race on weekends, and do his long runs on Monday. I was usually tired from a weekend of travel and racing, he says, so most of my long runs were at a pretty moderate pace. Critics point out, however, that slow running makes you slow, which is true if its all you do. And two-time U.S. Olympic marathoner Pete Pfitzinger cautions that slow running can also become sloppy running after 15 miles or so, which could lead to injuries. Target Your MP In recent years, more coaches and runners have turned to marathon pace as the foundation of their long-run strategy. Heres a common approach, supported by many experts, including Jack Daniels, Ph.D., author of Daniels Running Formula, and popular online coach Greg McMillan: Run the first 10 miles of your long run at an easy pace, then gradually accelerate to marathon pace over the last eight to 10 miles. A number of coaches believe in alternating your weekend long runs. That is, do an EZ-all-the-way long run one week, and an MP-based long run the next. In training for her sensational 2:19:30 marathon in London this past April, Deena Kastor did up to 14 miles of long runs around her MP. These workouts made her stronger over the last half of the marathon, says her coach Terrence Mahon.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 03:06:07 +0000

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