While swaddling has been documented for hundred’s of years, it - TopicsExpress


While swaddling has been documented for hundred’s of years, it became much more popular in the early 1990’s after the promotion of back sleeping for all babies. Prior to the early 1990’s, it was common practice to put babies to sleep on their tummies. With better research showing that there was a relationship between SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and tummy sleeping, the Back to Sleep campaign was launched in 1994. Parents were cautioned against putting their babies to sleep on tummy and were encouraged to put baby to sleep on back. Naturally, parents began to explore options for helping babies to sleep safely, especially as parents found that their baby woke more and “startled more” in the back to sleep position. The first-generation swaddling blankets, sleep bags, swaddle sacks, and any number of baby-sleep products developed out of a very real need for parents and babies to get the sleep they need. The second-generation of baby sleep products expand upon a better understanding of infant development, especially safe versus unsafe swaddling practices such as keeping swaddling garments loose around babies hips and mid-line hand/arm position for better settling supportive of infant development.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 22:06:43 +0000

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