XLIV. Episodes of the Xeno-Bionic Armed Forces.7: Provisional - TopicsExpress


XLIV. Episodes of the Xeno-Bionic Armed Forces.7: Provisional versus Real At last the greatly anticipated date had been set for, New Years Day, January 1, 2057 T (Transverse). The Union of International Chinese Buddhists had previously shown off the Provisional Dalai Llama’s disturbing power of the spontaneous combustion of objects on command; as well, he had proved to be a delightful person when showing off his clairvoyance. The Real Dalai Llama had meanwhile been affecting those within his mental reach to turn them towards a better living standard, away from “klieg light proscenium” that had produced his fame so well. If he were not the better candidate for the role of the forthcoming Dalai Llama, however, then surely the High Council of Buddhists Monks had the answers in their “primary contingency.” On the first day of 2,057 Transverse (T), the weather was poor and the debate was to be held in Geneva, Switzerland. By now most of the Dalai Llama’s assets and possessions had been fully announced by the executor of his will and the Swiss Bank secured a location in Switzerland’s greatest neutral city. There were bright lights to fill the dim of a nearly grey and soot filled, moderate snowfall. This was partly done to show of the pyrokinesis cultivated through The Caucus’s use of Hyper Kinetic Molecule Detection Devices (HKMDD), though this was their biggest secret. Godhead – or expose him as Liang-Kuai-Rong – whatever one prefers to call him, by his associates, had been told to delay the attack in India. In light of the sensitive intelligence having been stolen from the Lhasa compound by the High Intensity Mini Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (HIM-SQUID), and nearly all of it being used against their faction, while keeping it secretive to the media, it let The Caucus and Godhead fester with more mal intention as Javu & C. reaped the benefits of their knowledge. The Real Dalai Llama (RDL) had been forced to entertain Godhead despite the normal precaution taken when filtering new souls, whether they are of the living or the dead. Godhead was immediately recognized in an urgent and keen sense and all the energy around his aura, not only to RDL but as well to our Avenging Buddha, seemed to revere the presence that could be contacted and felt by the evil presence; it was his was hand to take the life of the Dalai Llama and everyone around him could intuitively “know” this. The power to block out messages relies on the disassociation and general abuse of people that do not know the receiver of telepathic messages. It is also reliant on preoccupation or the belief that meditation will lead to this higher standard. The former is the foremost threat one can receive or endure in the general happenings of the telepathic revolution that is about to begin; as the Real Dalai Llama was delighted by Godhead’s attempts and his identity was not as closely guarded, Liang-Kuai-Rong merely had the power of the politician on his side and it kept him in business. So did new technology. Liang-Kuai-Rong was adept in building machines that could take over the mind and while counterespionage was a habit and a mainstay in his daily life, he did not perceive it to be anything more than a nuisance as there were few who actually had seen him that could, consciously, maintain thought transference long enough to predict and force guilty confessions. These are some of the methods used by RDL when they feel despair, yet, often when the case study is an individual who has been reckless and disassociated from moral activity he rarely knows right from wrong. This makes the attack more difficult. Part of predicting the future relies on the force of the individual’s will to control another person’s thoughts. This is partially true in “disturbing” the person to make them feel “inferior” or again “guilty.” This convincing smite of cunning leads the individual to confess what they are doing because, naturally they will be tempted discuss an action’s eventuality or sensitivities with his or herself; if they do not guilty they will inherently do further wrong. As well, whether or not they are being logical by thinking with themselves, if they find it to be true they will plan, alter and develop their next activities. Secondly, the idea of thinking as opposed to telepathy strictly involves logic; otherwise, the case study will be nothing less of an invalid, though, perhaps something more than a catatonic vegetable. The power of the humorous presides when describing the immoral or those on the attack because they can be so “stupid.” Arguably, Godhead was a weak link because he was always reliant on developing a machine that could make the mind better; he rarely allowed himself the absence or negligence of tangible activity. He was also deeply involved in narcotics to take advantage by these mental methods and go on the attack. This was the best play RDL had on Rong and it was not always intended for negligent or harmful use. Otherwise it was pure intelligence. There were further “specific evils” involved which can be discerned in this category by a simple explanation of the vocabulary. “Disturbing” can be simple “interruptions or mental distractions” as when the eminent mind reader has information on his subject he has gleaned from technology or personal ontology. “Dementedness” was the type of incurring attack that would be the escalating front in order to totally confuse the subject until they are out of touch with reality; this often happens under control groups who have been affected when they are under direct observation. The third and final act of Godhead was to attempt derangement of the individual by “olfactory thought transference” in order to disturb the case study’s daily activities; harsh attacks result in dormancy and seclusion. Though RDL remained polite in his youth, and yes he had sought solidarity with nature, he was not always bereft of social contact because he was in peace and had his tutor, the Dalai Llama ben. The last attack listed here is used to direct complete insanity; RDL laughs this type of activity off due to meditation and experience with inner “contacts;” the F.I.S.T. (Forbidden Invisible Secret Terrorists) plans retaliation and commits to other incendiary activities. The F.I.S.T. (Forbidden Invisible Secret Terrorists) would be the inseparable faction of the Real Dalai Llama’s structure and power hold, the compound of Dharamasala being Holy Land in which taxes are not paid and the people may claim the right of asylum or sanctuary. This means that the religious sides of Dharamasala, The High Council of Buddhist Monks, opposed to the intra governmental sector, the High Security Council, were kept in the dark. However, the call came from the Real Dalai Llama (RDL) to the Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL) and with it came the media; while keeping the debate in a neutral peacekeeping country, under amnesty and asylum, all parties gathered before an audience of thousands. The debate began and the first outline of their new religious viewpoints are highlighted to fore. January 1st, 2057 TRANSCRIPT BEGIN: FEEDBACK PA (Public Announcer): Tonight I am pleased to present, without further commitment in hesitation, the two contenders based on separate factions of our beloved host: the Dalai Llama’s faction of High Council of Buddhist Monks and the other worldly faction of Buddhism, The Union of International Chinese Buddhists. If you have been following the debates we have come across two simple beings with incredible abilities, however their preeminent intellect and opinions based on their religious foundations are to be on discussion tonight. First, Jīnglíng Shénmì (RDL) will make an opening statement and Dàjiā huo (PDL) will respond: RDL (Real Dalai Llama, Jīnglíng Shénmì): Inner peace cannot be taught through a false sense of being, relaxation or seeming meditation if it becomes comatose to the point of illogic or its access is reliant on outside stimulation. There is another, perhaps more powerful way to teach supposed mystical abilities that I sense lie within that benefaction of false prophets that are not always Buddhist. I have worldly beliefs and teach that the family is the strongest unit the person can have and yes, though there are special relationships we keep we must not keep our charities from others, especially when we have a false sense of being as abovementioned because the family may teach the unique individual to naturally will and help the other fellow or chum. Thus we have a greater community who love, earn and share. The family does disservice to self-reliance because it is bred out of selfishness. Inequality is a disgrace and it is even worse when one has experienced betrayal, but they should not go on seeking more unearned gifts and falsehood from a benefactor when the benefactress has committed or done wrong. To promote equality in this world view we must teach inner peace so that through patience we may better protect ourselves and those who are punished will also be given. They may also be taught to work for themselves to once again earn trust. After further mishaps or thefts, we must then let the law take care of them. PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama, Dàjiā huo): There is a strong determination to assume I have come out of malice but I do not consider the regular person to have gifts that have been given and to anyone at an especially young age, and to those people my warmest heart goes to all, though I do better protect myself with my knowledge it is through hard earned work that the individual must come to his own conclusion when he continues to spite people of his own interest. It is my path to teach another way. There are other ways in earning peace. Hard work provides security and that is what we want from the ne’er do well because they can always cultivate their own interests and develop their own ideas to provide their own security, all stemming from a decisive will to learn and gain knowledge. However it is to foremost provide individual security in the modern world, not a wealth to boast of. Each member of the close family has a special relationship to each immediate member, look to birth order, for example. The defiant may be punished, yes, when they have done wrong but they must earn their keep in this day and age. Then they will have their forgiveness. Self-reliance is not about selfishness. The family must teach its other members to be strong while still standing up for it. The individual may gain strength so when his family member is in need the individual has enough power or control to rectify these problems. RDL (Real Dalai Llama, Jīnglíng Shénmì): Though I have not assumed you have come out of malice, Huo, I have only surmised it. The International Union of Chinese Buddhists is an eminent autocratic, perhaps fallible Republic and your country has notoriously sieged Lhasa, until the day of the homeland’s restoration. However, in our determination to promote peace it is not our foremost goal to shun others and keep to the most private and secure, this creates unrest and dangers in others parts of the world. When one gives into a false sense of beliefs they may believe or be tempted by the items of false consciousness and to again perceive unequivocally in this light and it is a shame to a belief system. That is what the shunned or poor will turn to. A better system must be developed through kinder philosophies of love, forgiveness and compassion. LOUD EXPLOSION PEOPLE SCREAMING UNKNOWN: Preparing to locate codename FM-0, Locating FM-0, Intercepting local Master Antennae Television signals, Terminating, Intercepting local Radio Frequencies, Preparing to terminate FM-0, Terminating Radio Frequencies… END TRANSCRIPT The unexpected and strange explosion to end the debate also unveiled great complications. It was the first attempt by Arena Foil to locate Fredierick Mottish. As he is seen in the video of the debate, it was not long until the future had been changed. Mottish witnessed the first use of Specified Point or Direct Incidence Time-travel (SPD-ITT) at its receiving end. What he saw emerge from a “distinct ethereal gas” was a heavily armed member of the Xeno-Bionic Armed Forces.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:12:58 +0000

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