Yesterday won a spot in my Top 5 Scariest Parenting - TopicsExpress


Yesterday won a spot in my Top 5 Scariest Parenting Moments. Kayleigh started showing symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection in the morning (accident at church, slightly feverish, incredibly distraught) and by the time she woke up from her afternoon nap, she had a fever of 103.8. It always happens on a weekend, right?!? Post-nap Kayleigh was frantic, clingy, crying, wetting herself without warning, refusing food/water, and burning up. Jesse and I have been able to take care of our family naturally at home for the past 18 months with no sick trips to the doctor, no antibiotics, nothing that essential oils couldnt handle...but a fever that is knocking on the door of 104* in a three year old was a little out of my comfort zone. Not to mention a UTI that could easily swing into a full-blown kidney infection. I decided to brave Urgent Care on my own with two kids since Jesse had taken the youth group (aka all my babysitters) to an all day event in another city and wouldnt be home until after 8pm. I packed a bag for the hospital, walked both kids out the door, and thats when I realized: Jesse took the van (and the car seats!!!!) to the youth event. Panic set in. Our Urgent Care closes at 5pm on Sundays, and its 45 minutes from our house. Even if I could borrow a car and car seats from a friend, I wouldnt make it to the hospital in time. I called our nurse to ask what to do, and she said not even to try making it to Urgent Care before it closed, but to go straight to the emergency room. Deep costs us $600 a trip to go to the emergency room. I called Jesse to see if he would support me trying to reduce Kayleighs fever naturally and then reassess things when he got home at 8. He said yes, so I went to work. An hour after applying Peppermint every 15 minutes, Kayleighs fever had dropped from 103.8 to 100.2. When Jesse got home, he focused on getting her hydrated (something my stubborn miss had refused to do for me), and then we gave her a ginger detox bath to continue reducing the fever. Every hour since she started exhibiting signs of the UTI, I had applied a blend of oils that have been studied and proven to be effective against UTIs. Between that and what we did to reduce her fever, Kayleigh was feeling much better by the time we put her in bed last night. I sneaked into her room around midnight last night to check on her before going to bed, and she didnt have even the slightest fever. Praise God! This morning, same thing. Her temperature registers the same as mine, and she is back to being able to use the toilet without tears, has her appetite back, and is currently skipping around the living room clanging cymbals (pot lids) together for Logan to dance. People call the use of essential oils alternative medicine. It is. But yesterday, it was my only choice. I had no car to get my sick child to the hospital, and I couldnt even use acetaminophen or ibuprofen since it has all expired in the past 18 months of disuse. If our bag of oils wasnt in our home, Jesse and I probably would have made a very frantic, very expensive trip to the emergency room last night. A visit to the pediatrician this morning was still in our plans when we went to bed last night, but theres no longer any need. By the help of God and our natural remedies, we were able to take care of our little girl--at her very sickest--at home. Maybe you think I sell essential oils and thats why Im always sharing these personal testimonies. Please believe me that its not. I love that I get to teach people about natural solutions (I dont sell anything--the oils sell themselves!), and Im so incredibly thankful that we have our oils on hand when every other medical option is stripped away. Thats something I want for every person I know. Today, Jesse and I are rejoicing over the incredible healing of our Kayleigh Girl. What a huge turn around from 15 hours ago. Thank You, God, for protecting our daughter, and for giving us natural solutions to use at home when no other options were available to us!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:27:34 +0000

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