You do not love your jesus you follow your schemes, jesus was - TopicsExpress


You do not love your jesus you follow your schemes, jesus was circumcise, you dont follow him you dont circumcise he did not touch pork you are not following him by eating pork jesus told your women keep your head covered you dont follow him your woman are more then half naked.he prayed like moslam you do not follow him you do not pray jesus fasted you do not follow him you dont fast. infact this religion that you practice is not jesus,s religion its not.jesus came to put Jews on right so they think they killed him but they didnt. why would god punish an innocent man and a profet. Read history all profits have been saved and his beleavers.when god punished the why would god punish jesus incent man and celebrate his birthday on the wrong day just to suit your selves. Your good Friday is another lie youve made it to suit your selves. Your religion is up side you have any paul talking not john or peter or what ever you dont follow the things jesus told you .realy you dont have any religion at all, do you?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 23:04:34 +0000

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