Your MONEY or your LIFE? The comedian, Jack Benny, used to joke - TopicsExpress


Your MONEY or your LIFE? The comedian, Jack Benny, used to joke about his frugality. He often told this story: Late one night walking down a New York street, he suddenly felt a gun on his back and heard a gruff voice, Your money or your life! When he didnt immediately respond, the gun pressed deeper and the voice became more menacing, Your money or your life! Benny replied, Im thinking, Im thinking. Sadly enough, it’s not always a joke. There is no shortage of people who put their life in danger just for a few Shekels. This topsy-turvy set of values explains the strange dialogue between the father and the Kohen at a Pidyon Haben [Redemption of the First Born] ceremony. By Torah law, every first born belongs to G-ds designated representative, the priest. Hence the Kohen asks the new father, Which do you prefer: your first born son, or the five silver shekels you are obligated to give me for his redemption? What kind of absurd question is that? Which normal father is giving away his son? Honestly, is anyone in doubt what the father will answer. In fact, it is a serious question: In your sons future life, what will be of primary significance: the child or the shekel? What will be more important: finance or family? Will you raise this child to pursue materialism or meaningfulness? This really is a good question. How many workaholics are so busy making a living, they forget to live? Yesterday, I witnessed such a question and answer. The Kohen was Rabbi Shmuli G. The father was my nephew from Boca, Yossie Denburg. Here at HACS, we want to wish him, his wife Shaina, and his entire family MAZAL TOV. After all, he answered correctly. PICS: baby covered in gold jewelry; Dad and Kohen; parents handing over the five shekels, proud Bubby, Mom and baby
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:09:13 +0000

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