ZONE A SENATE AND KWANDE POSITION CONCERNING LOAN AS OCCASSIONED BY THE VISIT OF SUSWAM’s BARGAINING TEAM The idea to write this piece was borne out of the desire to add to the already existing voices of reason from distinguished Kwande sons and daughters clamoring for the realization of Kwande senatorial seat. In joining the queue to present the demand for our rights, I need to be abreast with the response of HRH Chief Hilary Ikima concerning the bargain for political debt; what were the exact words used by the Ter Kwande? did he said through the instrumentality of the Kwande Traditional council and the people of Kwande, he is loaning Kwande’s Political right to Suswam or he said he is loaning it as Chief Hilary Ikima?If the answer to the first question is in the positive, then in whose interest was that action based? Also if the later is also in the positive, then let us not be bothered because he has only one vote and let us also know that it was only in Peoples democratic party(P.D.P) that such loan occurred. I ask this questions because as some one who believe on a just society ,I feel that it will be erroneous to act on speculation and condemn some one without knowing what that person has really done wrong especially in the person of Ter Kwande.If I was around and witnessed this by my self, I would not have ask this questions. Such an act of condemnation against Chief Ikima with out bringing out the exact particulars of the Ter Kwande’s actions or words ushered In respect to the loan to Suswam is said to be perverse, speculative and not based on any evidence, Be that as it may, I am tempted to ask further that did they signed any document where there is no exact words said by the Ter Kwande to back up this assertion? If the answer is in the positive, then it is capricious, vindictive, oppressive, illegal, unlawful and constitutes a gross abuse of the rights of Kwande people which can not be allowed by law to stand hence the traditional institutional can not be used as an engine of fraud. This further brought me to defining the meaning of democracy. At this juncture, I wish to state that the old and ancient definition of democracy as simply put is “the government of the people, by the people and for the people” “The people” in whom the inherent mandate lies, who are to choose those who should govern the state of their affairs. The definition is clear and unambiguous as it excludes all forms of imposition which certainly is alien to its purport. It can not therefore be over emphasized that the process of democracy should be seen, by those it seeks to govern, as transparently free and fair from all forms of human manipulations no matter how ingenuously invented” This is because the future of Kwande people can not be mortgaged by any body no matter how highly placed the person is in our society. What we are agitating for is to be in government and have our representative from within us. Government should be of the people, run by elected not selected by any one however great or powerful. It is to govern the people, And the profit of such governance, to be true democracy, should inquire to the people who had elected those to govern them. I am not here as the defender of Kwande Traditional council but with due respect to whoever has been raising finger complaint to the direction of Ter Kwande Chief Hilary Ikima. Let us also take into cognizance the fact that SUSWAM deserve no loan from the people of Kwande hence there is nothing on the ground to show that he loves kwande. Is it the Adikpo –Koti Yough Vandeikya road that he worsened in the name of constructing that he needs loan to construct? the said road leading to the Hospital established in his name by Chief Terlumun Akputu known as Gabriel Suswam cottage hospital is not passable during raining season and full of dust which is harmful to humanity Or is it in choosing the people who have nothing to offer to Kwande as care taker chairmen with least qualification where we have most qualified people that can do the job of care taker chairmen? Kwande is too big to be ridiculed on the radio by the SUSWAM’S Radio Benue and Ashi waves Fm. For a local government like Kwande that have most suitably qualified personnel’s to represent them in the senate to fold their hands and keep watching the unfolding events like the senatorial controversy generating heat and causing more tension. If it is true that Chief Ityosula Ikima who had vast experience before he became Ter kwande ,who was not poor and has refused to show up in the public gathering like his predecessors in office but remains in his palace and who have known the people of Kwande and was a victim of Kwande peoples revolt in 2003, when his house was razed down to betray his peoples political consciousness will be an aberration. I have not been stable at Adikpo but have been really impressed with the Ter Kwande who brought discipline and respect to the Ter Kingship by making it mandatory for who ever comes to kwande to come and visit him in his palace rather coming in the public. I have been an ardent supporter of Governor Suswam in his more than 7 and half years and we still support him to successfully complete his tenure as Governor of Benue state, This is because I belief that a leader should be given all the necessary support hence it is not possible for such a leader to succeed without the peoples support irrespective of party difference. We as the people of kwande have given GT Suswam all the support he needs to succeed in office but there is nothing to show. It was his kinsman from Logo Prof. Ugba and the leadership of Zone B that fought him from election battle to litigation. Let no one in Kwande be panic because over the purported loan because we have our amiable son and a great achiever in the Person of Samuel Adaa Maagbe whom we shall go house to house to educate the people on the need to rally round him irrespective of whether he shares money or not. We should also know that those who have been sent by Suswam to APC to use money and dislodge our highly respectful son Mr. Adaa Maagbe will not succeed as they are not even worth a councilor if we are to consider their antecedence before the people of Kwande. I am particularly referring to some one like Manasseh Denga who was a former bank executive and a childhood friend of Suswam but sees no need to bring any bank to Adikpo and who in his house Suswam has appointed SUBEB permanent member Rev. Akem and mr Terfa Akem,a special adviser on students affairs and whose house hold is entirely PDP to shun the peoples democratic party to contest election in APC. I can now ask that why do we have Col. Kwembe who was an aspirant for senate since 2003 -20011 suddenly opting out of senatorial race to join the house of reps? is he part of the conspiracy to mortgage the kwande peoples birth right? Has he not learned from Col. Aboho who upon been forced by Suswam not to contest and had abandoned him and his action was latter vindicated by the people of Kwande? Has Col. Basil Kwembe forgotten to soon the unprecedented protest votes of 2003 that sent Prof Saror back to Abuja and Col Aboho in 2011? Kwembe should know that it is not compulsory that who ever served Suswam as chief security officer will be sent to Abuja. We the stake holders in the movement for the actualization of Kwande senatorial slot are calling on every concerned person in zone A to see need why kwande should have their own share. Thank you
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:43:46 +0000

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