an out of the world rendition; its soaring beyond confines of - TopicsExpress


an out of the world rendition; its soaring beyond confines of musical theory, creativity, talent etc., Abhisheks pUrvikalyAni here has startling moments of perfectness - one can witness encounters with a state of perfect thaalam. His singing is not bound by the confines of the 8 beat cycle, nor is it bound by any nadai of the song, nor any concept of samam or aridhi etc.,. Rather the 8-beat cycle fits his singing. These are examples where lines flow seamlessly, as if unbound by the thaalam. Where is he starting ? where is he ending ? Its as if its anAdi - beginningless. Such a state of perfection is presumably attained when musical theory is so imbibed within onself that its equivalent to say the concept of indiscreteness in the mathematics of topologies. Everything becomes suitable for consideration. Here, he sings the lines madhu-madha mOdhitha that gain prominence not from their abidings to the ragam or thaalam, but its illumined by something else. Its impossible to understand what the composer Dikshitar wouldve felt when he composed this. AmOdhitha is to delight ; madha is intoxication and madhu is honey. Imagine someone or something that provides you with so much happiness and bliss that every single element of your body resonates with infinite glee. For Dikshitar, it was the Goddess Meenakshi. This snippet of the concert is beyond mere rules and constructs of music laid down by humans. Whether he sings with devotion to God or not, loses any significance at this point. A feeling of purity sprouts forth. What music is this ! The above pointers are just arguments to try to convince someone to listen to this recording. By no means are the above the only facets of this recording. The Upanishads mention jAgrat ( our day to day state of perceiving things around us), swapna (dreams) and shushupti (a state of deep sleep where we dont experience anything) to be three mutually exclusive states of existence, however, to each one of those, we own up to it. While they are disjoint, they are wholly contained within a fourth state, which is I, which alone exists permanently in all the three states. In a similar fashion, peoples experience of music is varied, often times disjoint from that of their friends, but by no means is either oneselfs or their friends experience more complete than the other. Each one is true within their ambits, however, underneath all that is the soul of the music that illumines each individual experiences. A peek into that soul of music is fleeting, but pure :) Let the music speak to you... Borrowing from Backgroundscore I realize how intensely and intricately personal a relationship one can have with a song and that no one but you can understand what a particular piece of music does or means to you. What happens between a listener and a piece of music he is listening to in that dark mysterious space enclosed by the walls of the person’s mind, body and soul is what happens to him and him only, and no one can know it better than that person.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:25:25 +0000

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