the new Noah movie Here are a few more problem areas seen in the - TopicsExpress


the new Noah movie Here are a few more problem areas seen in the rough cut of the film, most of which I expect to be in the final film: In the film, Noah was robbed of his birthright by Tubal-Cain. The serpent’s body (i.e., Satan), which was shed in Eden, was their “birthright reminder.” It also doubled with magical power that they would wrap around their arm. So weird! Noah’s family only consists of his wife, three sons, and one daughter-in-law, contrary to the Bible. It appears as if every species was crammed in the Ark instead of just the kinds of animals, thus mocking the Ark account the same way secularists do today. “Rocks” (that seem to be fallen angels) build the Ark with Noah! Methuselah (Noah’s grandfather) is a type of witch-doctor, whose mental health is questionable. Tubal-Cain defeats the Rocks who were protecting the finished Ark. A wounded Tubal-Cain axes his way inside the Ark in only about ten minutes and then hides inside. Tubal-Cain then convinces the middle son to lure Noah to the bottom of the Ark in order to murder him (because he was not allowed a wife in the Ark). Tubal-Cain stays alive by eating hibernating lizards. The middle son of Noah has a change of heart and helps kill Tubal-Cain instead. Noah becomes almost crazy as he believes the only purpose to his family’s existence was to help build the Ark for the “innocent” animals (this is a worship of creation). Noah repeatedly tells his family that they were the last generation and were never to procreate. So when his daughter-in-law becomes pregnant, he vows to murder his own grandchild. But he finally has a change of heart. Noah does not have a relationship with God but rather with circumstances and has deadly visions of the Flood. The Ark lands on a cliff next to a beach. After the Flood Noah becomes so distant from his family that he lives in a cave, getting drunk by the beach. all Im trying to say is be careful 2 Timothy 4:3 King James Version (KJV) 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine I am NOT trying to be a Pharisee 1 Corinthians 14:33 King James Version (KJV) 33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. I love you all.!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:07:00 +0000

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