who decided... That Ra is a myth.... That Noah is real and not - TopicsExpress


who decided... That Ra is a myth.... That Noah is real and not Gilgamesh.... That Noahs sons are the reason have different colors... That anything other than the big 3 religions are myths... That any religion that is African based and un Europeanzed is false.. Who told you that.. Who got you thinking like that? Who determined for you what is pagan and what isnt... You never even researched it.. never read into Yoruba, Vodou (Vodun), or dogon... But if Master say its cool its cool.. He approves... Than its good..... He has to decide whats good for you... What his slaves should read and believe... Ancient Egypt are pagans.. Every chance he gets he gets Ankhs on him.. And tries to say they where his people... Doing Yoga.... Studying Buddha.... if they are pagans why is he seeking? You better get aware.... like Mac Tip would say
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:00:53 +0000

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