5. Muslim Prayer Is Sick In Christianity one prays for other - TopicsExpress


5. Muslim Prayer Is Sick In Christianity one prays for other people or if praying for yourself you pray to a saint to speak to god on your behalf. In other words, if you’re selfless or deserving the Christian God theoretically will listen to your prayers. This idea of prayer is actually almost unique to Christianity, yet Christians or atheists from previous/predominantly Christian societies don’t realise that Christian prayer is very different to Islamic prayer. While Christians are busy thinking about other people or asking themselves if they deserve to be helped Muslims are praying in a completely different manner. Muslims are praying to God telling God how great, powerful, merciful, amazing, super-duper he is. If you ask me the Muslim God has some serious self-esteem issues if he needs constant reassurance of his omnipotence. If I was a religious person I would be embarrassed that my God needs a pep talk about 5 times to day otherwise he’ll torture me in hell. Psychologically this kind of prayer is deeply disturbing, don’t get me wrong, Christian prayer is bad too, but muslim prayer is borderline psychotic. Also, Muslims aren’t allowed to pray with their arse facing Mecca because it might hurt their God’s feelings: hence they face Mecca to pray. This is fine since the Koran sees the world as flat. However, the Earth is not flat and consequently their arses, thanks to the Earth’s curve are always pointing to Mecca when they pray. If you want to point out that the curve means they can’t point their arses to Mecca, keep in mind that means they aren’t able to face Mecca when living outside Saudi Arabia either. So muslims fail at prayer and their God is apparently an insecure idiot.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:50:01 +0000

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