ATTENTION!!! WILDCAT DEVOTION!!! ATTENTION!!! Kelvin, Jacorie, - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION!!! WILDCAT DEVOTION!!! ATTENTION!!! Kelvin, Jacorie, Ellie, Austin, Austin, Tori, Spencer, Erireon, Malcolm, Andre, Andre, Asia, Tejah, Erin, Faye, Sha, Mary, Missy, Dakerhia, Khamele, Shimya, Louvesa, JT, Trey, Jermaine, Brook, Ryan, Kalob, Ronnie, Domingo, Kimberly, Kajayla, Zachary, Fallon, Ceason, Adonis, Harley, Joe, Robert, Jason, Leah, Shayna, Darby, Quailla, Jasean, Taiasia The Seven Times JESUS Shed HIS Blood The blood of JESUS is the most powerful force in the whole universe. Without the shedding of blood there is NO remission of sin. No other religion in the world except Christianity can take away the Sin of Adam and give mankind FORGIVENESS and a NEW LIFE. It is the only religion where GOD comes to man and gives Himself sacrificially. All other religions instruct men to try to reach GOD by their own merit. There is power in the blood of the lamb and it is available for you and for me. You can be free in every part of your life and in everything that concerns you because of the blood of JESUS. 1. JESUS shed HIS blood in the Garden of Gethsemane to redeem our will: The first place JESUS shed HIS blood was in the Garden of Gethsemane, Matt. 26: 30-44. Our first lost was through Adam & Eve’s disobedience in a garden and now we see JESUS redeeming our will in a garden. He went into the garden fully aware that he was going to redeem our wills. Three times we see JESUS crying out to HIS Father saying, “Not as I will but as thou wilt.” In Luke 22:43-44 it says that JESUS was in so much agony that sweat as drops of blood were falling to the ground. Medical doctors say that intense fear and agony will cause blood vessels to break beneath the skin and blood will come forth like sweat. The greatest battle of mankind is GOD’s will over my will. The provision was made through the blood. Claim it! 2. JESUS was whipped to break the curse of sickness and disease from my life. JESUS was taken to the whipping post and whipped beyond imagination, redeeming what Israel lost through disobedience. In Matt. 27:26 JESUS was given over to be scourged. Scourging was the cruelest form of punishment. The flesh was generally cut with horrible whips. JESUS was publicly lashed with a cat of nine tails thirty-nine times. These tails were nine leather throngs loaded with jagged pieces of metal or bone weighted at the end with lead. Under Jewish punishment, a prisoner could be given forty lashes, Deut. 25:3. Seldom were forty lashes ever given because to be whipped forty times was often fatal. Psalms 129:3, “The plowers plowed upon my back…” is a small picture of what JESUS went through. Isaiah 50:6,” I gave my back to the smiters; and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair.” Our Lord went through incredible wounding to redeem us from disease. Isaiah 53:5 says, “… by HIS stripes we are healed.” The blood ran down on every exposed organ of HIS body and because of that we claim our healing in the name of JESUS by HIS shed blood. Doctors have said that there are 39 known root diseases of the body. JESUS was lashed 39 times, one time for each root cause. He was beaten with the cat of nine tails, nine being the number of fullness. Each disease was redeemed in its fullness. By HIS stripes we are healed. Claim it! 3. JESUS crown of thorns was placed on JESUS brow, to break the curse of poverty and release me into GODs abundance. In Gen. 3:17-19, because Adam hearkened to the voice of his wife, and ate of the tree which GOD had forbidden, it brought a curse on the ground. The result is seen in Gen. 3:18, for now thorns and thistles came forth out of the ground. A thorn has such a prick that every touch brings a wound. After JESUS was beaten they put a crown of thorns on HIS brow. It is said that the thorns of the crown are 3 to 31/2 inches long. As this was forced into HIS brow, not sweat but blood ran down HIS face. JESUS shed HIS blood to break the curse of poverty off our land. Matt. 27:29 says the symbol of poverty was placed on HIS head and our freedom to work and walk in abundance was obtained. Every day as we work we should see an abundant supply, not fruitless labor. Apply the blood from the crown of thorns! 4. JESUS hands were pierced by the nails, to restore total dominion to the works of my hands. Gen. 1:26-28 says GOD placed all dominion and authority in the hands of Adam and Eve. Because of sin, Adam and Eve lost that dominion and authority. When the nails went through the hands of JESUS on the cross and the blood ran down, HIS blood redeemed our dominion and authority. Because of the blood covered hands we can lay hold of what belongs to us in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We need to lay blood covered hands on all that is ours and take authority and dominion because of the nail pierced hands of our Lord. Lay your hands on yourself, your family, your business, your church, and take back what was stolen in the garden. Everything you put your hand to GOD will cause it to proper. Everything you encounter you have the authority to render it harmless. 5. JESUS feet were nailed to the cross, to restore total dominion in my walk. When the spike went into the feet of Jesus, through his blood dominion and authority was taken back. When the blood ran down; his precious blood gave me back my position in my walk. Wherever we are the Kingdom of God is at hand. We have authority to go into the enemy’s camp, plunder his territory, and bind him in Jesus name by the blood. God told Joshua in Joshua 3:3, “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you…” It is our time to claim what territory the enemy has stolen. Jesus feet were pierced to redeem our dominion and authority. Go with blood covered feet, and like Joshua be strong and courageous! Take dominion, take your home, take your city back, regain all that the enemy has stolen. 6. The spear was thrust through JESUS side, showing that HE died from a broken heart, to heal my broken heart. This also illustrates his giving birth to his bride from his side as did the first Adam with Eve. The sixth place we have suffered loss is where the enemy came and broke our hearts. When the spear was thrust through JESUS’ side blood and water poured down. JESUS knew what it was to have a broken heart. He was betrayed by Judas, he was rejected by the multitude saying, ‘Let him be crucified,” one in his inner circle denied that he knew him. One of the most heart breaking things that happened to him was when he hung naked before his own mother on the cross. The greatest heartbreak he experienced was in Mark 15:34 when JESUS suffered abandonment by his own father. HE said, “My GOD, My GOD, why hast thou forsaken me?” HIS heart burst from grief, rejection, betrayal, and abandonment. The blood and water ran down from the agony of such grief that he experienced. Medically it is said that when you suffer such agony your heart develops a sack of water around it. The soldiers didn’t pierce his heart. Our Lord died of a broken heart causing the water and the blood to pour out for us. The joy of the Lord is stolen when your heart is broken. We have no strength. Your whole life is affected. Forgiveness is the key to having your heart healed. JESUS announced his ministry in Luke 4: 18-19 saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted…” Because the blood and water ran down we can claim back our heart. We can walk in the joy of the LORD, be strong and safe, and live under an open heaven. 7. JESUS bled on the inside when HE was bruised to break every iniquity, to expel the inner drive of sin from my life. The last place we have suffered lost is in our emotions; that part of us which is the inner man. Isaiah 53:5 says, “HE was wounded for our transgression; he was bruised for our iniquities…” A bruise is bleeding on the inside. The BIBLE says that the sins of the father are visited to the third and fourth generation. That is called a generational curse. Many are suffering hurts on the inside from iniquities that our forefathers passed down to us. This results many times in inner hurts and bruises. JESUS was bruised so we could be healed from the inside out. Because of the blood we can be healed, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When I think of this and all that JESUS did to redeem us from the curse of Adam, I sometimes feel that I am living far under the awareness of HIS provision that HE purchased for me at great cost. It cost Him HIS life, it will certainly will cost me mine. HIS life is far better than anything that this world could give me. JESUS has overcome this world and all its weaknesses of sin, sickness, and disease. HIS life in me is resurrection power available to HIM as HE so chooses to glorify HIMSELF.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:28:27 +0000

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