(Cruel and exploitative principles of Capitalism) Analysis of - TopicsExpress


(Cruel and exploitative principles of Capitalism) Analysis of Economic system of Adam Smith on which Pakistani Society based on Economic system in society is like Heart in body, Heart is responsible to provide oxidized blood to all organs of the body same role in society is economic system that responsible to full fill the needs of every race, caste , class, religion ,sects of society . A medical student spends six years to understand functions and principles of human body however; society is more complex phenomena then human body. Until or unless medical student understand principle and functions of body he never able to recommend medicines and treatment for it. Similar method has to apply by social doctor on society, first he has to study and analyse implemented systems, its function, structures and principles for running of society. Now we are going to evaluate economic system of Adam smith implemented in Pakistani society. Adam smith presented four foundation of production 1- Capital 2- Land 3- Organization 4- Labor Now it has added one more is 5- Fund for Maintenance Profit of any kind of production has been distributed into above mentioned five foundations, for example capital takes profit in shape of interest, land takes profit in shape of fare, Organization takes profit in shape of high salaries and bonus, it also keeps fund for maintenance and last is labor who gets 5% from all profit and all work done by labor that is why labor in our society is badly exploited. In this system you could not be a rich until or unless you steal profit from some one work. Such kind of looting and stealing shaped as a laws and principles in capitalist’s societies. In our society mostly population are labors and tenants, they are doing hard work but they remain poor all in their life because profit of their labor has been looted by their Masters through making law and principles. If in rare cases they become rich, they have to apply same method with others. In this way two extreme richest and poorest strata has been created in society like in Pakistan 8% middle class while only 28 families are able to pay 5 times debit of Pakistan, on other hand above 70% population are living in dollar poverty means living under poverty line. If we glance on world scenario where only 2% world capitalists keep 98 trillion dollars. This amount can eradicate poverty 24 times in world whereas 20 billion populations are not able to food two times. In this system if all resources are distributed equally among all human of the world, but in short time wealth once again come to few hands because system principles created same phenomena. How to conduct white color Crime in society: Adam smith presented two laws 1 -law of demand: When prices of products to be increased, Demand to be decreased and when prices to be low then Demand increase. 2- Law of supply: When prices will increase, then supply will increase and when price will decrease then supply will decrease. By applying these two laws world biggest capitalists captured the whole markets of the world because for increasing demand they created artificial shortage of basic necessities and other hand those things that has no relation with basic necessities, through commercials they created demand of them in society. On that base they decided the prices of products. By keeping profit in mind they will supply the products when its prices will increase though Market system compel to increase the prices of products as a result they fulfill their desire. For example demand of basic necessities like bread, clothe and house will increase aromatically prices also to be increased day by day. If we have fleeting look on world where 4 billion ton food has been produced, 2 billion ton crushed for increase demand and have monopoly on world societies. In capitalism which based is on abundant of profit , economic define business as “business is such entity that bestow profit to owner” Now best business is that give plentiful profit to its owner therefor it basic purpose is to get profit not fulfill rights to the labor. When basic purpose will be wrong how it creates zeal in society for betterment of humanity. This system created selfishness and individualism; People exploit each other like animals in greediness and selfishness.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 02:23:42 +0000

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