Demonstrations on - Celebral memory and extra cerebral - TopicsExpress


Demonstrations on - Celebral memory and extra cerebral memory In Jamalpur, one day Baba was speaking on memory. He said that broadly speaking there are two types of memories - cerebral memory and extra-cerebral memory. He said that memory of this lives are stored in the subconscious mind Citta). People wrongly think that memories are stored in the brain, which is not true. When you perceive anything in the mind it is in the form of an idea. So it is not physical wave anymore. An idea cannot be stored in the brain which is a physical matter and it can be stored only in the mind. So it is fundamentally wrong to say that memories are stored in the brain. What is stored in the brain and in the cerebral nerve cells are just impulses or vibrations which help us to make link with and retrieve memories from the Citta (ectoplasm) of the mind where the memories of this life are stored. Such memories are called cerebral memory. When the imprints of these impulses in the cerebral nerve cells are fresh in such cases one can quickly remember a thing. But after the passage of some time, the impressions in the cerebral nerve cells get faded. The recollection of anything is not quick in the case when the impressions in the nerve cells are distorted or faded. It would take some time for the brain to retrieve it from the sub-conscious mind. When these impulses are completely faded from the nerve cells, the person cannot ordinarily retrieve the memory from the mind. But it is not impossible. Perception in the primary stage is registered in the unit mind through the nerve cells, and the vibrations of those perceptions remain imbedded in the nerve cells. The nerve cells in the brain differ according to the different vibrations they carry. Some carry vibrations of knowledge, others the vibrations of action. Human beings do not have much difficulty in recreating these memories at the psychic level because the vibrations in the nerve cells remain undistorted for quite some time. For instance, if you happen to see a stranger while through the street and he asked you about the address of a particular person. You can easily say after five minutes what the stranger looked like and what was the colour of his shirt etc. because the image of that person imprinted in the nerve cells is still clear and distinct. That is why it is not difficult for the brain to recollect a memory by recreating ideational waves. But if you are asked to describe about the same person the after a few days, you will have more difficulty recollecting the details of his appearance because by then the impression of the person in the nerve cells will have become indistinct. At that stage the perceived image is stored in the ectoplasmic mind-stuff and the vibrations of the man has faded from the brain cells. Hence the mind will have to labour hard to reformulate the image of the person from the mental reactive momenta of past action. The ability to do this depends on one’s psychic power Thus the brain functions as a physical medium for mental recollection. Its various parts assist the mind in various ways. But the permanent abode of memory is the ectoplasm. So even though an impression has faded from the nerve cells, the mind can recreate the impression by its own power. The memories that are activated through the medium of the impulses in your nerve cells is called cerebral memory. The memories of the past lives are called extra-cerebral memory. In the case of extra-cerebral memory your nerve cells cannot assist you as the nerve cells of the previous body got destroyed after the death of that body. The present brain cells cannot help you to recollect those memories because no memory of your past lives’ events and information remain stored in your present nerve cells to enable you to remember them. So with the assistance from brain we cannot remember the events of past lives. Memories of past lives are still recorded in the unconscious layer of the mind and recollecting them is extra-cerebral memory. It is not ordinarily possible to recollect those memories in the unconscious mind and one needs to have a developed mind for that. He then said there are specific nerve cells and nerve fibers where these impulses of cerebral memories are stored. Suppose these impulses don’t sent signal to the citta then generally it would be not possible for the mind to recollect the memory stored in the mind. Baba did a demonstration on cerebral memory and extra-cerebral memory. There was a student from Patna in the gathering doing post graduation. His name was Chandrasekhar. Baba asked him how many languages he knew. He said that he knew Hindi, English, Bhojpuri and Bajjika (a dialect of Maethili language). Baba asked him to speak in Hindi on the need for doing meditation in one’s life. Chandra Sekhar started to speak in fluent Hindi on the need for practicing meditation. Baba then said that He was arresting the function of all the nerve cells in his brain where impulses about Hindi language were stored. After a few seconds gap, Baba asked him a few questions in Hindi and Chandrasekhar was not even able to understand what Baba was asking. Baba talked to him in English, Bhojpuri and Bajjika. He was able to understand everything and was able to speak in those languages. He had problem in understanding only Hindi. Baba then said that He was reactivating his brain cells with Hindi impulses and Chandrasekhar was able to understand and speak in Hindi again. Baba then asked Chandrasekhar to give a talk on the need for meditation in English. Baba then said that He was stopping the function of all the brain cells, where the impulses of English knowledge was stored. Chandrasekhar continued to speak in English for a few more moments. Suddenly he was not able to speak anymore and He stopped. When Baba asked in Hindi the reason for his stopping he said in that he was not able to remember the proper words in English. Baba asked him many simple questions in English and he was not able to understand even, what to speak of replying in English. Baba said that his nerve cells and nerve fibers with English impulses have stopped sending signals to the Citta and that was why he was not able to understand even the simple words of English. After a short while Baba said that He was restoring the function brain cells that had seized to function and in a short while Chandrasekhar was again able to understand and speak in English fluently. Baba said that it was an example of the function of cerebral memory. Then He said that He would show something regarding the extra-cerebral memory. Baba asked Chandrasekhar to concentrate his mind and take it back by 4500 years. He then asked him to speak on the need to meditate in the language that he knew at that time. He spoke in a language and accent that nobody in the room except Baba understood. Baba explained what he was saying. He then said that it was the language of Tibet 4500 years back and Chandrasekhar was living in Tibet at that time. He said that the knowledge of old Tibetan language is not coming through his brain cells as they had already perished when he died in that life. But the knowledge of that time is still in his unconscious mind and he was able to draw the knowledge from there. Baba then said that all the memories of all our lives are stored in the unconscious mind and if by the dint of meditation one reaches the higher stages and penetrate into the unconscious mind, one can draw all the information stored there of the numerous lives that one had passed through before this life.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:55:49 +0000

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