Further to previous comments on a Birth Certificate further - TopicsExpress


Further to previous comments on a Birth Certificate further investigation so far reveals as follows; Oh, yep its right in front of us in black and white, well the first step to getting things in order id to create a true and perfected last will and testament, this is a contract between you and God and your free will. Frank is working on creating a perfected will but really its just the tip of the ice berg, one really needs to learn how the system works. Yes that was my thoughts too....this freeman..strawman mumbo jumbo is not how to approach it in my opinion you first understand their reasoning in perfecting the fraud to trap you if you ever hope to get out with your assets intact and not leave the system a penniless pauper but as a powerful sovereign instead. If and when you get that worked out lat me know Id like a copy, I have previously done an affidavit for court testimony and have other stuff but I am trying to see about the process to collect on the trust as beneficiary as I understand it must be cashed at age 75 so I would like to see about doing that earlier Thinking about that idea of a will may be a great idea [affidavit] but be careful how you spell your name,I wonder if a notary would be willing to certify it using your true name rather than the corporate fiction, if he does protest simply tell him you are unwilling to commit fraud and violate copyright no matter how much threats or coercion he or anyone else tries to force you to violate the laws Here is a quote from Jane Eyre: And become nothing to you? Am I a machine without feelings? Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless? I have as much soul as you and full as much heart! And if God had blessed me with beauty and wealth, I could make it as hard for your to leave me as it is for I to leave you. Im not speaking to you through mortal flesh. It is my spirit that addresses your spirit. As if wed passed through the grave and stood at Gods feet equal. As we are! The answer is yes Jane, if you have not declared that you are a living soul and have the same Will that Gd or your creator so wishes to act upon and that you so Will it to de acted upon in your life then you are just a machine. Rick, the Will and Testament from Frank O Collins requires several items to be created before the Will can be created, here is a link https://ucadia.s3.amazonaws/.../ocollins_will... most of the formality is due to the shipping regulations of a vessel.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:35:49 +0000

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