Good morning boys and girls! A new day is here and is time to get - TopicsExpress


Good morning boys and girls! A new day is here and is time to get out of bed, time to make this new day a great day! May be a day where you can think about Love and some signs that can help you see that you have fallen in Love. Love itself is as close as human beings can come to being selfless. People will make sacrifices for love. They will make compromises. They feel connected with this other individual to the point that this individual becomes a part of them. What makes you fall in love? Sure, the person you are in love with is definitely the cause. But have you ever wondered how an outside force can have such an effect on you? Some believe that love is a tangible, ethereal substance and the substance linking one person to another is what makes loving a person possible. We sing about it, write about it and watch movies about it, but when you think about it, falling in love is crazy and it makes us feel and do things we usually wouldn’t under any other circumstances. First of all, it physically affects our hormones and brain, and not only that, it also affects us psychologically and behaviourally. So what symptoms you may experience when falling in love? When you fall in love, your hormones go wild. Your cheeks flush, your heart beats faster, your palms are sweaty and your head starts spinning. This is all thanks to a rush of chemicals and hormones that flood your brain and body when you fall in love. There’s nothing you can do about this, love physically makes you crazy. When you fall in love, you wake up and go to sleep thinking of someone other than yourself. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to sleep at night, the person you love occupies at least some part of your mind. How does your brain even know to think of that person first thing in the morning? Doesn’t it have other more important things to worry about? The truth is this phenomenon is usually subconscious and automatic and even throughout the day, that person stays in the back of your mind. When you fall in love, you smile when you are alone. You experience weird, giddy feelings of happiness, even when you are not physically with that special person. You might smile when he or she texts you, when you hear a certain song, see a picture on Facebook or when you just think of that person. In general, little things like that will make you smile more than usual because you are just so blissfully in love. People may look at you funny and wonder why you are so happy, but you don’t even mind. When you fall in love, you do embarrassing things. Love will make you do embarrassing things because when you are falling in love with someone, you will do almost anything to make him or her happy, no matter what other people may think. When you fall in love, you do things outside of your comfort zone. Along the same lines, falling in love will make you do things you never even considered doing before. Of course, doing these things can open your mind to new activities you might enjoy. Doing them with the one you love is a great bonding experience, too. When you fall in love, you sing. When you are falling in love, you feel so happy and carefree, you can’t always keep it inside. Whether you sound like Stevie or Andreas, sometimes, you just have to sing at the top of your lungs to let it all out. When you fall in love, you go out of your way. You may find yourself driving out of the way to pick up your love’s favourite dinner. The crazy part is that even though these things may inconvenience you, you are happy and excited to do them. You actually take joy in making that extra effort to please your special other and show her or him how much you care. When you fall in love, you go blind. As the old adage goes, love is blind. When you are falling in love, everything your love does and says is interesting and amazing. Every word uttered from his or her mouth, and every move he or she makes, is magical. Love blinds you to faults and, even when you do notice them, you are quick to forgive because your love can do no wrong. Remember, love makes us crazy, but it also makes us happy. Love is exciting and it’s addicting and you shouldnt be afraid to fall in love.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:49:35 +0000

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