HEY YALL PLEASE READ AND DONT BE SCAMMED! ATTENTION PLEASE READ::CON ARTISTS amongst you!! :: DELIA ELISABETH PISARRO!!.. Why Con ARTISTS ( DELIA PISARRO AKA JANIE TORRES) are so seldom sent to jail so it’s time to FINALLY FIND THIS FELON and her dirty, smelly sharpei and put a stop to her destroying everyone’s life. Con artists manipulate their victims to keep them from filing fraud reports Shame, guilt, and fear is why ppl dont file charges or call the feds on this career criminal..UNTIL NOW!!• Once con artist DELIA PISARRO has completed her scam by ripping you off thousands she will yank the rug out from under you. Suddenly, without warning, you have to come to terms with the fact that you have been taken to the cleaners by this Diabolical sub-human. —The effect is devastating – it was planned to be..she planned it all even before she even befriends you —(DELIA PISARRO RIPPING ALL IF US OFF AND STEALING OUR VEHICLES was her master plan ) From the very start of a scam DELIA PISARRO keeps you just slightly off balance so that you feel you must cling to her for support. (EXACTLY WHAT SHE DID TO ME, Christian Lusby and Stanton White During the entire manipulation, you are being emotionally positioned so that when the con artist Delia PISARRO better known as Dee disappears, you will feel as if you have pushed off a merry-go-round. In effect, you were. (My Range rover for example AND christian l usbys truck ) You are suddenly left without the rudder in whom you believed with all your heart. To admit you were wrong can be emotionally shattering.(HORRIBLE JUDGE OF CHARACTER) You are left reeling and alone with that voice inside your head yelling, “What have I done?!”How did I ever trust this person who talks about Joel Osteen and cleaning the church for her mother…ALL LIES TO WIN YOU OVER AND GAIN YOUR TRUST!!! Dignity and self-esteem are gone, replaced with shame, guilt, embarrassment, and anger (DEFINITELY self-directed). You think I’m going overboard with this description? Not really. ..NOT AT ALL IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN THIS! !! Not only have I been there, but I get letters from victims every day and that’s exactly how they all feel.((DELIA PISARRO HAS DONE THIS TO 1000s of ppl and finally SHE IS ABOUT TO BE STOPPED AND PUT INTO PRISON FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE..) Why victims don’t report fraud Is because she threatens them or calls in fake police reports to get them arrested..they become scared of her all the while she lays up in Dirty motel beds smoking meth planning and plotting HER next victim to rip off..she is the the most EVIL PERSON I have ever met or heard about since Charles Manson… > Many ppl don’t know where to turn, so they don’t file a report anywhere…WE HAVE NOW FILED MANY!! > Many are so distraught that they contact every agency they can think of, which has no effect at all..WE HAVE CONTACT ALL THE RIGHT PPL SO ITS A MATTER OF TIME TILL HPD FINDS HER..she has no way of making money other than conning men on facebook or rips..her own family won’t even talk to her. > Many are extremely upset when they try to talk to law enforcement, end up merely sounding hysterical, no clear story emerges, and they give up without having given the police anything to go on….KEEP ALL her evidence if you were a victim of this Delia Pisarro and turn it in to the police signed by a notary public and file a police report against her and a felony warrant will be issued… Do not be scared of this person although she is evil she cannot come out of hiding because of all the warrants so all she can do is call law enforcement agencies and pretend to be this Barbara Williams or another made up attorney name to cause trouble for you but since we are getting this out to every law enforcement agency in Texas she will be unable to do this any longer.. Come forward do not be scared of her!!!!! > Many have been threatened in one way or another by the this DELIA PISARRO and are afraid of retribution from either DELIA PISARRO (DEE) the con artist herself or law enforcement. > And finally, the majority feel themselves to be damn fools and are not about to make it worse by going public. They just can’t bring themselves to admit they’ve made a mistake. They cannot bring themselves to admit that they have been set up by this evil Delia pisarro aka janie torres or rip off of thousands of dollars like Brad Beggan, Janis Guidry, Christian lusty, Kristy Tweedel Tompkins, Brandon Humphreys, Carlos Barrios, Bobby J. Threet, stanton white, Kelly Jacobs; Deanna Jacobs, Adrianna Ava Franco, Brooke Escamilla Teal, Brooke Garza, Michael Miller, ashley cordova, natalie Perez, will dinkle, (WE ARE NOT SCARED OF HER AND WE ARE SPENDING EVERY SECOND DEDICATING OUR LIFE TO PUT THIS EVIL CREATURE BEHIND BARS FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE…EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED. ..HPD..DPD AND ALSO PASADENA PD AND TULSA PD WHERE SHE STALKED AND THREATENED THE LIFE OF CYNTHIA BEAVERS..former business associate… .we have contacted facebook security which btw was not easy and told them…FACEBOOK ON HOW SHE HACKS ACCOUNTS TO SCAM MEN OUT OF MONEY AND NOW WE ARE WRITING A BOOK AND GOING TO THE MEDIA TO EXPOSE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER..NOT EVEN ‘BARBARA WILLIAMS’ CAN help her now!! (Delia Pisarro impersonated a lawyer and forging a law degree and calling herself ‘Barbara Williams”she even pays ppl to stand in for her attorney and reset her cases as her lawyer WITH NO LAW DEGREE in Dallas county..I spoke to the DA today about this… Please listen to this… VULNERABILITY is the unlocked window through which a con artists climbs into your confidence!!! By definition, when you are conned it means you had a personal relationship with the con artist. They convinced you that they would do something for you like put the check down on my Range Rover Delia Passaro looked straight in my eyes and said trust me and I did … And don’t think for one moment beauties just because you have a college education you are too smart to be fooled by a con artists such as Delia Pisarro aka Janie Torres.. She went right into the bank of both Jordan Tomko and Stanton white’s and emptied their bank accounts and stole Deann. Jacobs merchant account and called creditors pretending she was her. … The DA just informed me that the Department of Justice studies show that people with some college or college degrees are the most susceptible to con artist scams…so there you HAVE it!! Please don’t be Delia Pisarros next victim protect yourself and let’s put her in prison for the rest of her life thank you for reading and be safe God bless!!!!! Please share this page with her face and lets protect each other from his evil ,Diabolical con artist that preys on good and trusting ppl.. Xoxo — with Bobby J. Threet (re Read more at thedirty/2013/01/dallas-dyke-now-dallas-transgender/#T1xq5KTFpaTLL4K1.99
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 04:15:39 +0000

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