Hi my beautiful friend, We are being presented with an - TopicsExpress


Hi my beautiful friend, We are being presented with an extraordinary opportunity to retire the victim archetypes that we and our ancestors have identified with all this time. Its important to take a moment to honor these archetypes for serving in keeping us safe and protected in a world based on survival. However, we now know that a world of only survival is a world that is no longer in alignment with who we are at our core: a Divine Love Being. As Divine Love Beings we are here to thrive our way into love with ourselves and the world around us. This divine part of ourselves has always known that we are constantly safe and protected, even when the survival based mind may have thought otherwise. So now, as we thank the victim archetypes that served us up to this point, we can let them go with joy and welcome in our Higher Selves. Releasing the role of the victim is made up of several important components. The first component to releasing victim consciousness is to accept every person, experience and thing as it has shown up in our lives without trying to change it. By accepting these things, we are not necessarily affirming that we resonate or agree with them, however we are giving ourselves permission to not allow them to define who we really are. Through acceptance we also release the need dwell on the past and what may have been. The second component to releasing victim consciousness is to let go of blame. Blame comes from a need to make something or someone right/wrong, or good/bad and somehow responsible for what we have experienced. In truth we are the Creator of all of our experience. When we operate from our Highest Selves, and acknowledge ourselves as Creator, we transcend these judgments. From our Highest Selves we navigate our way forward by what feels in alignment for us at that time and what doesnt. Can you feel how this insight alone already feels lighter? By blaming, we keep ourselves held in a time and place that hinders us from evolving and reconnecting with our Highest most Divine Self. The third component to releasing victim consciousness is to take full responsibility of our lives and well being. Sometimes the victim mindset may display resistance when it hears that we are responsible for our lives and well being, because it had taken comfort in separating itself and buying into the illusion that whatever we need has to come from outside ourselves. Its absolutely normal when this happens. However, by taking responsibility for our lives and well being, we are able to move out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness. It is in our Creator consciousness where we are able to move mountains. It is here that we are able to manifest from the most authentic and powerful aspect of ourselves. By integrating these three components into our lives, we are sure to support our transition out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness more smoothly. Love, Emmanuel
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:39:59 +0000

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