I dont know what it is, but when I work out in the mornings there - TopicsExpress


I dont know what it is, but when I work out in the mornings there is a sense of clarity and God just speaks volumes to my heart. Today while running my heart out I remembered a conversation a dear friend of mine and I had years ago. And we were talking about being in a funk and feeling like I was missing God somehow. Her advice was...check 3 things to see if any one is out of balance. If so you will be off kilter. 1. Is how is your spiritual health? 2. How is your mental state of mind and 3. How are you feeling physically. So if your spiritually not being fed, not fellowshipping , in the word, prayer life etc...if its starving for attention you will be off. How are you doing mentally are you feeling isolated, alone, are struggling with your emotions etc and lastly have you been ill, run down with a cold or feeling sluggish because your eating is unhealthy and your getting little excercise etc. If any of these are a missing element you will feel that funk I can say that I felt all 3 out of whack these past few months and it was pulling me into a pretty low place. So first thing I had to do Go to GOD...Once I did that alot of things started falling into place, my desires to feel physically better motivated me to start moving again, eating better etc. Its hard to feel isolated and alone when you are seeking, serving and fellowshipping with people. And going to God and asking him to move me, to see Him in motion to join Him almost simultaneously removes the funk so my sweet friends women AND men alike...are any of the 3 off for you? If so take one tiny step at correcting it...it will start out as initial obedience, which then turns into desire and then it becomes habitual and a way of life. It is YOUR life and you have all the tools to take control and if you feel you dont reach out to someone who can help dont carry it alone. Our God surrounds us with LOVE...embrace it peeps! Keep it simple its ALL about the Love ;) Get your lil sugar shakers movin with this one!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:24:55 +0000

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