I think I have to get this off my chest for Halloween, and well, - TopicsExpress


I think I have to get this off my chest for Halloween, and well, Stephen King is kind of synonymous... I feel Carrie is to the sin of wrath what Twilight is to the sin of lust. It seems less concerned about telling a decent story than just being an outlet for emotionally disturbed bullying victims to fantasise about destroying those who wronged them. Im sorry, but no...I get the pain. Ive been through it myself. But when it comes to bullying, is murder really the punishment to fit the crime? I left my sympathy for the protagonist at the door when she decided to destroy the school, claiming a lot of innocent victims in the process, when the worst that we saw the bullies do to her was tease her for being confused about her period, and drench her in a bucket of pigs blood. However, if this was supposed to be a cautionary tale, like bullying is bad, well, I have three words - NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 00:48:22 +0000

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