ICW Spacebaws last Sunday proved to me one thing.. these are shows - TopicsExpress


ICW Spacebaws last Sunday proved to me one thing.. these are shows you shouldnt miss, yes yes it doesnt have alot of the bigger names (at least not ALL the time anyway ) but its still the same top quality event, infact I feel that some peoples assesment of spacebaws as an NXT type show is a long way off, actually it feels like..if the main ICW shows were PPVs.. Spacebaws feels more like the regular TV show, enough main stars to hold the interest of the casual fan but but showing off the guys that would otherwise get lost in the shuffle, yes its more of a brand extension than an NXT gig Now before I go on (and yes Im mentioning THAT again ) but yes again there were que jumpers but before I go on I just wanna say, its not the people who are in the que then leave for food or whatever, or people who turn up late due to work or something, it is however people who head straight to the Box then with fifteen minites or so to go decend en mass to the front THATS the thing that gets me, I think cos its so brazen and must annoy people when they see it, so in the future when I mention the que jumpers THATS what I mean..not the one or two people who turn up due to whatever reason, thats all, just felt I neede to clarify that ok now I got that outta my system... The show was great, I have to admit Red Lightning as GM is a masterstroke, the way he deals with wrestlers situations and with hecklers (especially the shite Paul Heyman guy, yknow as chants go.. I dont get it, theres nothing looks or behaviourwise that would make anyone think that..beyond that Heyman ran ECW and was GM of Smackdown at one point and Red more or less runs spacebaws and is the GM..mind you i never understood some your a shite chants, sometimes they just do not really fit ), Red comes across as a confident and assured figure of authority who doesnt need to shout or go into a rage to get the wrestlers to toe the line. Ill get the low points over with, I assume the Jeremy feerick gimmick is something that we see On Demand (I dont have it myself ) and the match with Yum yum was good enough, but i couldnt har what he was saying on the mic, either the mic wasnt working or the crowd were drowning him out (or both ) it didnt seem to have the effect, maybe the Mic will work better next time, but apart from that it was a good enough match. The battle Royals ending was a bit, i dunno Nathan Black is a monster and is someone I am suprised we dont see as much of, but and yes its my personal bias..I wanted to see Viper make it to the Square Go (she was also the most over one in that ring as well and come on, her..in the Square Go, throwing out guys left and right..yeah..Id wanna see that ) I felt it was one of those oh..thats it over is it? moments the high points now, well the first one can be summed up in one word..Viper, Im sorry..well..not really sorry. but shes my fav wrestler..period at the moment and I lovd the reaction she got in the battle royale Im begining to think Solar got his name cos in every match within a few onutes his skin is so red from beatings he looks sunburnt.. the redness around his nipple..ouch..that looked bad David the Beloveds choice of tag partner, now I think Euan G Mackie is one of the best in the buisness, but the only person less appropriate for a tag partner choice woulda been Jam OMalley (though Id pay to see David force to team with Jam against the Gate Crashers ) Im glad that Saynt is being more himself in ICW, he (I remember his first appearances in ICW when he briefly joined save Pro wrestling and tbh just seemed a bit bland but the sensational gimmick seems more..natural yknow and those are the best kind of gimmicks ). Lou King Sharp, god he took alot of punishment, but he kept going, it was crazy and though the result wasnt a suprise, he gave Renfrew a run for his money It was sad to see Joe Hendry go, but I cant shake that feeling hes heading for bigger and better things, you coyuld see before the matchup that he was soaking up the atmosphere one last time and almost close to tears, I hope we will see him back in ICW one day...we need our global hero, thouigh it was funny how despite the people sheering for Kenny and booing Joe..how in the cowd there were far more Joe Hendry shirts than kenny is the Bollocks ones, I found that amusing of course the big suprise of Drew vs Lewis was a worthy main event i anyones eyes, it showed us that Lewis is no longer just a hot prospect... he has shown hes a hot talent now. and Chris Renfrews tease of a cash in was amazing ( I loved his nonchalant reach behind the curtain to grab a referee but naturally in the end he turns tail and runs away but the main treat here was Red singing.. the Big Shows theme, why? why not of it wasny my PERSONAL highlight..oh no..my highlight was getting a photo with the best wrestler there is today..yes..you guessed it.. Viper, you could say it was an early Christmas present as this is my last post before Christmas, so i wish you all the best and leave you with a festive song (no..not the big shows theme ) https://youtube/watch?v=MioTYWrsVHQ
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:08:21 +0000

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