IT’S YOUR STOMACH EMPTY? Every Saturday morning is the day I do - TopicsExpress


IT’S YOUR STOMACH EMPTY? Every Saturday morning is the day I do physical exercise and sometimes I play ball with the locals when I’m through. One of the mornings, I was underperforming during the four aside that we were playing. My team lost unusually and people began to wonder if it was the team that had been known as the winning team, I came home and was wondering why we had to lose woefully when my son in the Lord told me that it’s because I haven’t eaten in about 20 hours. Yes, it’s true, I had no energy to be defending and attacking the play because in my belly, there was no food. Just as we can’t handle the physical challenges that come to us if our stomach is empty likewise we can’t handle spiritual challenges when our spirit man has been starved of the word of God. Some of us may be wondering why it is that at the slightest temptation we fall; when once we see an indecently dressed girl we lust, When a guy with money throws the slightest advance and you’ll find yourself on his bed, Why is it that we can’t handle some moments of trials without compromising our faith, the answer is, how often do we fill up our belly with the word of God that is able to sustain us? How often do we pray and meditate on the bible. If you don’t forget to eat your food even when you are hurrying, why do you want to be reminded that you need to be studying the word of God. If a man faints, first ask him if he ate before coming out of his house, yes, if you discover that you are put off your faith at the slightest temptation, ask yourself if you studied the word of God before leaving your home. I run this page to let you have constant access to the word of God, do yourself a favour and be reading, each time you read your spirit get stronger to face the challenges of the day and make you grow in the Lord. God bless you
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 11:07:48 +0000

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