Last night Justin and I got to babysit a set of 1.5 year old twins - TopicsExpress


Last night Justin and I got to babysit a set of 1.5 year old twins one boy one girl completely opposite personalities. It was great fun me and Justin loved every min of it. Even Justin loved it. They are great little kids super smart and so well behaved my house isnt even child proofed anymore but I didnt once have to worry that they would be trying to climb my kitchen draws or unplug my tv or even play with my lap top. The only thing I had to do was make sure all crayons markers things like that were put away so they didnt color the walls. They ate there food the listened when we said no. And when I put them to bed get this they actually stayed there! Never once got out of the bed to play with things in this new strange room they have never been in until I said ok your not going back to sleep lets get up then they bolted but not to get into things they came out to play with toys! When I made them give up the pacifiers cuz they only get them when sleeping they didnt cry or throw a fit they took it out of there mouth looked at it and handed it over. Took them outside when I said ok lets go in they didnt throw a fit just came inside. These are such amazing little people There mommy truly deserves mommy of they year because not only does she have these 2 wonderful little people she has a 3 year old boy and her husband is deployed And she just moved oh did I mention her 3 dogs. Yet whenever I go to her house its clean maybe not museum clean but definitely cleaner that a lot of house I have seen. And somehow she manages to do all of this without tv as a babysitter as a matter of fact she doesnt even have tv service. She thinks nothing of grocery shopping with 3 kids 3 and under makes sure they get fruit or veggies with every meal cooks real dinners not frozen stuff and still manages to find the time and energy to go to the gym at least once a week would go everyday if she could. Heck me and Justin only had the 2 over night and while we loved it and took great care of the 2 babies my dogs pretty much got ignored I didnt get a single bit of house work done my sink is overflowing with dishes and the first thing I did after she left with them is pass out in my chair. Did I mention we only had 2 kids and me and Justin were both actively caring for them. Maverick spent the night at a friends. Ashley your an amazing person and the best mom I have ever meet dont let anyone tell you differently and if they do you can send them to me I will hit them with something very big!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:42:31 +0000

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