Many people want to feel good and healthy, but they are simply to - TopicsExpress


Many people want to feel good and healthy, but they are simply to lazy to make any effort to make it happen. Some of you prefer to lie to yourselves that taking a miracle pill will cure everything you have messed up with your bodies for many long years. Well, I have a good news! there is no such pill :D It is time for you to understand that you are absolutely responsible for your own health and well-being. and it is time to face the truth, that you are the only person who can make you feel great by making some effort and changing your diet. It is so little but seems to be so much for some. So, are you one of them, who loves to complain day after day after day... about not being well...? ...or maybe, you are one of them, who really want to make a change in your life? if yes, then proof it. But not to me, or to others, but only to yourself and your own body. After all, you have it only one, to serve you for your whole life. How long that life would be, and in what condition you gonna spend it through...that only depends on you! Yes! Youve heard it right. It does depends on you! So, lets give it a try, and take a real, good care of yourself. So, now, to encourage you in getting involve into your own well-being, I would like to re-present two movies, which I have shared a while back. They will explain you what products and how effect our bodies and health. I get back to them, because every day I see how it is needed at the giving moment to share all those informations about having the choice for better quality of living. Please make yourself a favor and watch them carefully. Even more than once, if needed. Choose wisely. Live in health. Both movies are spoken in english, but have option of polish subtitles. 1. the truth about proteins. The speech of doctor Adiel Tel-Oren. https://youtube/watch?v=qZpXDZzURjU 2. the truth story about raw diet of Pauls Nison https://youtube/watch…
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:10:49 +0000

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