Now that World War II, the Big One has been packed in the books - TopicsExpress


Now that World War II, the Big One has been packed in the books we now turn to the post-war world. The United State and the Soviet Union settled down into a Cold War. It was very cold in some places like North Korea, which turned hot and had a conflict and invited Dennis Rodman and Barbara Walters over to referee. During that conflict, the communist Chinese (prodded by the Russians) jumped in to assist their N. Korean allies and attacked the UN forces in waves. The Chinese would get shot, bodies would fall, and more waves would come. Opium has a way of diminishing rational considerations. The bodies were collected when the thaw came, and finally Rodman stepped in and declared the contest a draw; which it has remained ever since. The U.S. and Soviet Union settled down into their ideological stances. Both sides claimed their side was superior and to prove this, the U.S. held a show called McCarthyism where people were brought before a committee and harangued by a drunk while being denied their constitutional rights. In this way, the Americans demonstrated that democracy was better than communism. Over in the Soviet Union, people were hauled before a committee, harangued by a drunk, and were denied any constitutional protections. In this way, they showed that communism was better than democracy. So the world learned a valuable lesson: How to tell the difference between democracy and communism. The rivalry continued by establishing friends in the Third World. The U.S. showed how to bring democracy to the world by assassinating democratically elected leaders and installing friendly dictators. Hah! The Russians were a lot more crafty than that. They were generous with their surplus goods and sent snowplows to tropical Cuba, and lined the roads in Zaire with thousands of toilets; getting a plumbing system up and running in the next few decades was the next phase of the plan. For the time being, the grateful natives used the toilets as is by plopping down a load and then furiously slapping the flush handle. Over the course of a generation, the Third World nations signed up with one side or another. You could have a dictatorship established by the CIA or you could have a dictatorship established by the KGB. And again, this kept enthusiastic high school students engaged in reading their exciting textbooks as they learned the differences between democracy and communism.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 23:08:36 +0000

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