Re member this The Way to master physical life Mastering - TopicsExpress


Re member this The Way to master physical life Mastering physical life is true spirit ritual called spirituality our beloved friend and brother call it Paa Taraqor The Way The way is not teaching you spirituality the way is teaching how to master physical life..that is true spirt ritual called spirituality When you catch people complaining about how bad things are Stop them you are not obligated to listen to their sad stories Some people will complain all day yet when you give them good advice They will not even try to apply it. Learn to use your voice to halt peoples energy when they start to complain If you listen to people gripe if you listen to their negativity you put yourself In a situation that you can be affected by their energy. Stop people from telling you their sad stories That way you help them to come out of their situation Pay attention and listen to what people are talking about when you are with them People who complain are taking the victim role. Because masters know that they have attracted the situation to them self If some form or fashion. And it is for their Betterment the universe to the multiverse from the Omniverse is assisting you nothing is against you everything serves you. Re focus each other in a positive direction Ask people what do you want ? Where are you going ? What higher purpose do you want to serve? Whatever you do to others you do to yourself Remember that. Sound simple but this is a multi dimensional actual Galactical fact. Now dont listen to the complaints But do listen when you ask them Where are you going what higher function do you want to serve In life. Send them a loving thought By saying the level you are on now will evolve And love them for who they are now. Start paying attention to all you read and pay attention to how it makes you feel after In the media, television newspaper magazine. And ask yourself did this information left me perplexed Am I now more confused that I was before reading this Do I feel fear am I annoyed. If you notice the transmission of the Re turn council Is laced with love and hope and glad tidings of joy Love abundance and praise for all the Incarnates Our job is to Remind by Re empowering All Humanity And love is the basis of our transmission. The Re Turn Council
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:27:34 +0000

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