Saw this over the weekend and it brought back a lot of memories - TopicsExpress


Saw this over the weekend and it brought back a lot of memories and made me think of all my old friends from days past. 80s punk was a big part of my life, before death metal and vomit vocals nothing quite grabbed me like punk music. One of the very first songs i was introduced to had the chorus, Ronald Reagan is a motherf****r!, keep in mind this was the 80s where oingo boingo and the thompson twins ruled supreme, i was both shocked and laughing hysterically at the same time, needless to say i was hooked. Being much older now and buying the same albums of my youth on itunes for nostalgia sake i have often wondered what every happened to? and then spent hours scouring the internet for any tidbit on Ray of Today, Tony Adolescent, Rick and Frank Agnew, of course some of those early icons you dont have to look far as they were able to graduate to a new level, looking at you Mike Ness of Social D. This movie gave a great look at the then and now and while some of the bands covered are a bit more recent they do manage to get some greats in there, in any case a great watch and a lot of fun and a bit humbling all at the same time. When the movie ended I mumbled man, it sucks getting old.. I sat for awhile musing of times past, the countless trips to the record store (remember those?), whole paychecks spent on vinyl, pouring over the liner notes, driving my mom crazy with my stereo as loud as it would go, making mix tapes for my friends, listening intently as my friends regaled me with tales of trips to live shows i never got to see, etc. With a heavy sigh I opened up itunes and on instinct fired up D.R.I. and within the first few notes all my woes and misgivings fell to the back. With 5 year plan blasting in my ears I smiled and got back to work in the present paying the bills...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:02:11 +0000

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