So this morning I feel pretty ok with myself, almost 5 months ago - TopicsExpress


So this morning I feel pretty ok with myself, almost 5 months ago I was offered a priceless opportunity by someone, offering me a litter of an old Sep/Sibe line to join my Tuuluuwak pack. It was hard for me to accept because for many that know me, know that I hae almost always made the life with my dogs and always ran either for myself or as a very large touring co. in the Quebec Laurentians. I have always taken in Many Siberians and other type Huskies... But after an unwelcomed incident a few years back, taking me across a few provinces and screwing me bad, I decided to slow down and start a new with my pack and family. I have tried to keep my pack at a lower number, as hard as it is because everything in me always wants to say yes to every Husky at my door. But since my daughter has become more of a partner to me in our kennel than anything, I have had the chance to start taking even more time with my pack and helping my daughter with new goals she has set for the future of Tuuluuwak Sled Dogs. In that is where I am getting to with this. I am of an older generation of older type of dog sledding, one without competition and without time. So the older Type Siberians and Seppalas have always been my heart. So when this person I am referring to offered me a chance at having this special line join me in my life, it was very hard to say no so I didnt, I said yes... When I went to pick up the MOM of this litter, because this person wanted the pups raised the Tuuluuwak way, This person was in much pain and sorrow as this MOM was her heart dog, along with the DAD. which is why she wanted her best heart dogs offsprings in my kennel... But then, not only did she let Mom come home with me to give birth, she sent DAD here for a new life full of amazing new dog sledding adventures and family life. Her heart dogs now off on the same day across the country... The MOM of this special litter, was always scheduled to fly back home. But this person, seeing the happiness and difference her beautiful and sweet heart dog was now living, offered her to me in a permanent Tuuluuwak pack member.. From there, these dogs have now the biggest shoes in the world to fill, My Sumo, Shayla, Togo, Kinu the first, The sisters (Kima/Kami/Luna/Shanik), Maki, Sumak, Mishka and so many more that made HuskyTown into Tuuluuwak what it is today... For me, letting go of any of my pups, let alone any of my dogs when needed is something that rips my soul in half because I invest my entire heart into them, no matter the lines or breed. Hero and Ursala of Arcticsun are now Tuuluuwak family, but are forever Arcticsun souls. These new pups are a mix of Tuuluuwak heart and Arcticsun soul and headed for great things (no necessarily races but life and adventures). When this person offered me this litter, it was to bring a new element heading to the Yukon Quest through me and Iditarod through Laquasha which, if anyone knows my daughter Laquasha and her determination and passion and myself with my love and support, knows its exactly where we are heading for the adventure. She offered them with the hope and dream to see her line survive and run the way they are suppose to and meant to. So when I made the decision to place 3 of my little hearts into where I thought would be best suited, it was for the good of my entire team. the number of our team and the goals that are coming, it was in order to not have too many of one and allow my originals to also flourish and follow my goals and dreams. But letting my 3 go was not an easy decision for myself to make and for this person to understand and accept, but she did trusting who I am and what I am. She did not even object or try to interfere in my new homes decisions... So to everyone involved in the new lives of these little Tuuluuwak/Arcticsun family members. Cruzlin Picabo Schubert, Lori Lee, Karen Hill, Dave Hill, Terri Decker, Karen-Liane Chang Shiba, Ralph Schade and Jen Gastmeier. Just remember how hard it was for some of you to say goodbye after only a few days contact with my children, and remember as they are now in some of your hands permanently, That these little creatures of nature, never would have crossed your paths or ended up in your lives if it hadnt started with one persons hope and dream... That if the few days was hard on some, imagine how hard it was on the Tuuluuwak pack and family for making the decisions and raising them up to your time. Imagine how hard the decision for that person to have said goodbye to her heart dogs in hopes for a new life and new adventure so that, The Divine, God, Mother Nature, whom ever we want to believe in, allowed faith to follow its course successfully... Just remember that the tears you have felt out of joy and sorrow where felt because of 2 that shed the same tears out of loss and sacrifice... That said, I will ask everyone involved to not forget where this all started by saying Thank you to the person that believed Tuuluuwak to be special enough and real enough to allow this line to flourish as she thought they are meant to... I know I am thanking miss Shannon De Bruin, because not only do I know how emotionally hard this has been for her, but for how great it is to see her kids now growing how she wants them to... I invite you to share a picture every now and then, a thought, a thank you to hae had the opportunity to have a piece of Tuuluuwak x Arcticsun heart cross or become part of your lives... Thank you Shannon...
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:24:28 +0000

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