Something that really bugs me... When I see a woman/girl being - TopicsExpress


Something that really bugs me... When I see a woman/girl being objectified. #Notallmen do it, but #yesallwomen experience it at some point of their lives. Heres a newsflash to men who objectify women: women arent alive to be owned, to please you, to attract you, or to make your life easier and give you everything you want. Yeah, those things would be great and youre welcome to it and women are allowed to do all of those things given that they want to. But if they dont, youre not entitled to anything. Theyre people. Just like you. The only thing they really HAVE to do is make something of their lives just like you have to. They have to follow their passions and do whats good for them just like you do. They need to make their dreams come true just as much as you do. They need to be encouraged to move up in the world just like you need to be encouraged. They have limits that need to be respected, just like youve got boundaries that they need to respect enough not to cross. And to women who slut shame other women: heres a piece of advice from Mean Girls. You need to quit calling each other sluts and whores. It only makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores. Quit the whole skinny is better than curvy and curvy is better than skinny, guys like athletic girls and guys like smart and artsy girls, or tall girls are hotter vs. short girls are cuter nonsense. Do you not get that by arguing that one quality is better and more ideal in a woman than another, youre essentially arguing what the most ideal quality (notice: singular) in a woman is; and therefore telling men that very few things are valuable in women so that they look for those few things that are frequently brought up by the media. When you do that, you become nothing more than a mere few ideal traits-- and thats pretty boring. xD Note to everyone: Instead of focusing your efforts on becoming one ideal thing, try to spread those efforts into becoming a host of awesome talents and other things. Instead of being pretty or smart or popular or creative or some sort of music or sports prodigy, be a cool, quirky person who tries their best in all their classes; someone who enjoys writing and playing soccer, but not necessarily doing their computer programming homework (just an example. and definitely not me, as anyone who knows me can tell. I cant play soccer to save my life. Im also not brave enough to take a computer programming class.. #notaboutthatlife #itisallgreektome). Thats pretty awesome. Thats unique. Tangent over. Done ranting. Happy Monday! :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:14:58 +0000

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